Tuesday, May 1, 2012

chapalang 2

i got all the photos in this post from FACEBOOK. i dont own this photos even tho they appear in my blog. im blogging because i feel a need to! itchy fingers!

the reason for me saving these photo is:
- inspiring
- true story
- mindfucked
- dafuq ?

this picture shows that we have to prioritize our workload. but all i see is my secondary school day.. chemistry, physics, history blah blah..

HAHAHA! i like this! sounds fun. :p

whoever answer this is a genius.. but i dun rmb tt second stage.. got swell meh?! among all the phases, i only rmb wad metaphase? anaphase? wad mitosis? 
i used to be able to describe every single stage. but now, i cant even rmb how many stages there are.. ): im sry bio tcher! 

it will be at (3x3) by the time im done calculating (16/2).. lol.. 


A woman without her man is nothing < -- try adding punctuation into this sentence

men's reply-- a woman, without her man, is nothing
women's reply-- a woman: without her, man is nothing [cheeers!] :p

equality.. peave (V)

hahaha.. it is not always a good thing even if it sounds good..

i feel really disgusted by the lower picture..

moral of the story: fuck your life.