Friday, January 6, 2012

New Hairstyle!

if you have been reading my twitter, you would have know that i've just visited the salon recently! and i have been complaining how long i have been sitting down and how heavy the machine is.. it's not easy to be a woman. we spent extra money and time on one of our valuable asset - hair!
hair is one of my precious. im someone who will look at reflections to make sure tt my hair stays in place. vain ma!
yeap, so i tot it was a new year.. i wanted a new image. (very vain i know). every year muz change pattern and idk why! or maybe u can say i suffered from some blow and wanted a change. tt's wad tv always show right.. aiya, wadever the reason is, i've got myself a new hairstyle!

at the start, i rmb tweeting smth like this "so egggcited for my new hairstyle in a few hours times".. i went home happily w my new hairstyle! so lalala! den after a few hours, i totally regret.. it wasnt in shape anymore!!!!!!!! ))):

i missed my old hair.. ):

my old hair! i miss this!
my new hair! im so gg to go back to my old hair.. SOON.. which means, im gg to reborn soon. tsk!
see hw happie i was then.. -.-"
and and, i looked so old tt i can easily pass off as a 29 year old woman.. damn..
dumb. i feeel so dumb. i tot i was bored of my straight long hair. den i went to curl it.. now i know, it's not easy to kick away habits. no matter how much we craves for new things, we still holds on the past.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Im sick again.

Monday: Public holiday
Tuesday: School
Wednesday: No school
Thursday: MC
Friday: MC

This is how i spend my week. ): im feeling so uncomfortable now. Hav been running to the toilet for >10 times. And my stomach wun stop aching. I tends to cry easily when im sick and idk why. I cry when my stomach hurt, i cry when i had e injection, i even cry while eating e medicine. )': not forgetting my friends, i cry when i received their text. Vulnerable only when im sick. Otherwise i control my tear duct pretty well.

Gah. Feeling awful & lousy.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

First day of school

It is only the first day of school. 8am lesson aint a joke. Im tired.

Monday, January 2, 2012

25th Dec 2011 - XMAS2011 part2

finally doing the xmas post! must clear before school starts.. if not i cannot imagine how the workload is going to kill me this term.. ): continuing the day after meeting carol&xinyi , went to meet the other 2 girls! the 3 of us actually went to orchard on xmas.. it is like committing suicide. it is so crowded that i hold on to pam's bag, and the other hand holding annchee's hand and squeeze through.. but it was fun! :p feeling so young!
the 2 girls damn steady pom bi bi! annchee wore the big santa hat, pam wore the small santa hat while i wore my reindeer horn! so xmasy!
we book tickets for 3 to alvin and the chipmunks3 in the bus and when we reach orchard, we went to collect it.. we like vip cos we do not have to queue! :D :D :D
we went down to cine and we went to have artease! it was niceeeeeee! the mini pearls are awesommeeee! <3 i like like like! walked ard.. den we took 40 mins to walk from cine to shaw house. WIN!
alvin and the chipmunks is so cute that i can die from their cutenessss! i still love simon! call me see-mun! HAHAHA!
after movie, it was way after dinner time and im pretty hungry. so we settle for dinner at a HK cafe! ((:
this is one of my best xmas (: spending it w the girls! next year we spend the day tgt also hao ma? i will do a post sooon about them soon cos i spend the first day of 2012 w them too!

enjoy the pictures below alright!


hello santa! (:


look at the crazy crowd!
look at our head!

my hair looked long here! *grin*

this annchee makes me wanna get those enlarging eyeball contacts too!

this is how i spend my xmas period! i had my share of fun! (:
it is 2012 now! happy new year, pull ur ear! :D

BGF, best guy friend B

chanced upon this awesome paragraph!
I wish we'd grow old as friends together. We would hangout and talk. In future, maybe we could even bring our grandchildren along and they would ask, "How long have you been friends?” And we’ll smile and say, “Almost forever.” ♥

friends have taken up a major portion in my life.. like a really important role.. (': i would prabably die from quietness if i have no friends )': im afraid of being alone/quiet. i love being w people but not w a huge group of people. i love hanging out w people in groups of 2345.. >10 is a big grp for me and i dun like.. it feels like an excursion from pri school.. very dumb.. -.- excursion is fun but never interesting. and i ALWAYS have to lie in the survey form by saying "a well planned and interesting trip to blah blah blah"
being my friend is not an easy task, they have to tolerate my [gong zhu bing] aka princess disease. other than that, they have to give in to my da xiao jie pi qi, my picky taste bud and places that are cemented. i gets cranky when im tired.

esp B, other than all the above, he have to listen to my rants, my complains, my sorrow, my anger and my everything. i didnt say anything, sometimes i never even say tq or sorry. but actually im really grateful. like super grateful. he is probably one of the only few tt i can cry infront of for hours w/o having to worry abt their scehdule. can throw my temper ard like a small kid. can laugh w/o having to worry abt my image. how many have such friends? but i have (PROUD)!

just because im lost, he ditch his lesson for me.
just because im sad, he ditch anything on hand to accompany me.
just because im happy, i demanded for him, cos i wan to share it w him too.
just because im angry, he let me punish for no reasons.
just because im sick, he will call my home to ask abt it instead of msging me. cos he know i would lie to say im fine..
be it happie, sad, angry or wad, a DA NAN REN like him is willing to step into candy empire to buy me & kx our fav choco bar that pops in our mouth. only candy empire sells this (:

but there is so little that i can do for him.. so whenever he injure himself or is ill or wad, i will try to go tc of him! I PROMISE (: having know him since im 14, he only made one VERY DUMB request to me. i can rmb wad he say vividly (word for word). he says "se mo dou ke yi, bu yao pai zhao" i rmb i literally LOL infront of him! but that is like the only thing i can promise him (other than the recent M event). so im still keeping this promise. then he tried to be inspiring by saying smth like memories are meant to be kept in the heart or wad one.. bullshit la you!
you know we loves you alot right? ((: angry or sad can tell us okay, wo ting ni dao di! even if you are gg to rape woman, i will stand outside to keep a lookout for you.. if you are gg to rob a bank, im waiting in e car for you. you just have to open ur mouth, me, kx and zw will be thr for you (: cos we all know you will be ard for us! best buddy! love you much baby!

hey armyboy, dun cry after reading all these okay and thanks for coming into my life. (: i will intro my grandchild to urs. den maybe we can be relatives too ((: sleep early and drink more water and protect the nation well huh, if nt, i will haunt you! rawr!

i think i damn mushy to this guy. but if you are thinking of anything else, pls, boy and girl can really be just normal friends (: im just luckier than you to have him!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

25th Dec 2011 - XMAS2011 part1

H.A.P.P.Y! it is a brand new year (:

but im gg to do a post on my xmas! i know im lag okay.. so tt day,
i woke up w my eyes feeling so tired on xmas! LOL.. muz be the late night i had previously.. but never the less, headed out to changi city point (Again) to have breakfast w my 2 seniors! when was the last time i see them?? i think is 2009.. :O time flies..
they reach first, when i first reach, carol gave me a hug! <3 <3 i love people give me a hug! it feels so F.R.I.E.N.D ((:
while having breakfast, we still can shoot each other but immediately say MEERY XMAS, CANNOT ANGRY. haha. losers sia we all.. glad tt even we didnt meet for such a long period, we didnt have awkward silences!
we went toilet, only carol entertain me to take photo.. xinyi saw me taking my phone out and i gues it is her instinct to run away.. ._.
after tt, we went to ep to do something damn interesting! 15 mins, same shopping area, same budget, but different ways! we went to get each other xmas presents! ((:
idk if we gt telepathy or wad, 3 of us gt chocolates! but of different brands! DAMN INTERESTING!
after tt, carol went to tpy to meet her friends while i went home to bathe then to meet the other 2 girls!
i will do another post on part 2 soon okayy!
loook at the chocolates we gt after xchanging!
my present > Carol's > Xinyi's
xinyi & carol! after much persuasion, xinyi finally agreed to taking photoo w us! <3333
i oso kiasu, immediately i say I WAN TAKE W XINYI TOO!
lovely carol <3
our photo! <3
yes, we should have more outingggg! ((: