Monday, December 10, 2012


have no idea why i cant post a lot of photos at a go.. so, just one photo of me! im highly dis-motivated to blog because i cant upload photos! ): im this narcissistic!  this is how my fringe looks like now. no more bangs! and the more i look at this pic, the more i realise i got the tiko face -.-

im here to update what i have been up to recently!

morning moviee treat from henry! this is total crazyness. met at 10am to watch the sparky show at cine.. -.- hey town can be quiet. :O we went into thew theatre and it was empty and he still can say he book the entire theater for us to watch.. immediately after tt sentence, an uncle came it. epic. the show is so boring that we left half way. leaving the theater entirely to the uncle.

mummy's birthday celebration dinner! at crystal jade at tampines! the steamboat buffet aint that interesting afterall. however, being able to sit w my cousin and chitchat through the dinner makes it an interesting one! i love talking and crapping w my cousin! she makes a great company! well, cousins are our first friend in life afterall!

went to STEAMSIA w jiaqi, kaikeng and zhihan! met up w my jiaqi earlier to get the two army guys their bday gifts. then cos i keyed in the wrong address in the gps, we ended up walking extra to the place STEAMSIA. LOL. i always love their company. tho we spend many outings tgt, im still very much amazed by the fact that the 4 of us can for a clique. oh at steamsia, we get to play w old school games like 5stones, the country rubber, old main, pickupsticks all these. and i realise i really have no childhood. i am goood at none of those games. *back to dismantling barbie doll's limbs*

went shopping w my cousin in the morning to get her makeup stuffs. den astons w family at airport! still loves their potato salad! shopped ard airpport and redeeeemed the angrybird plushies for every $60 in a single receipt! went to meet cindy at cityplaza! arnold's chicken! hahaha! shopped ard cityplaza ended up not buying anything! HAHAHA
went back to bedok inter and back to void deck to lepak!

cityplaza w zhenhan. ban mian! i think i understand why my friends are crazy over the ban mian at cityplaza! because it is damn nice!! i ordered penang laksa and zh ordered ban mian. i drank a spoon of laksa and i almost die from the spicyness. mr nice guy offered to change w me even tho i say it's okay! (': appreciate his thoughts, if not i would have died in the hands of the laksa.

underwaterworld w huijun, carol and xinyi! promotion for dec : $15 for pink ic or pr. i changed my bag and i brought nth -.- i ended up having to pay the full price. but the other 3 girls are nice enough the spilt the cost w me! so we ended up pay $17 each! <3 super sweet. as i had phobia of underwaterworld, i literally cover my eyes and grab carol's hand tightly. her hands gave me so much assurance. i feel like im dying in that tunnel. T___T

met up with yuya after school to shop at bugis. bought egglet!!!!!!!!! OMGGGG it's damn gooood! hk trip makes me wanna have egglet and i finally found it in singapore!! (:  impulse buyer and bought a bag in less den 5 mins of shopping! but it's a bag w ribbon! super cuteeee! everyone's taste is really different! things like ribbon nvr attracts yuya but it atttracts me v much! but things that attract yuya doesnt attract me. but i have to admit that the backpack that yuya bought is really nice. and im really tempted to get it too. but cos yuya chose it first and i dont use backpack, i stopped myself from buying!

cityplaza w grandma and mummy! yesyesyes, it makes a difference with u shop w a friend and ur mummy. like all expenses covered by mummy! and price tag aint my concerns. so i can just choose and try! love my family! yay to pretty clothes!

yes i have very boring life. ): these are my only activities except school :O sch is great so far except the studying part. 50shadesofpurple makes me motivated to go school on wed! HAHAHAHAHAHA!