Saturday, January 14, 2012

cny shopping w AMANDA!

hello hello! im back again! ((:
so, went to meet amanda at ion todayy! we took the same train but were in different cabin! :O so not fated! but anyway! we went to "the little things she need" to shop for shoessss! amanda KIV-ed a pair of heels but didnt want to buy cos it is not cheap! so we went to fareast to shoppp! i guess we were too early, not many shops are open ): den dun have my favourite korea melon icecream somemore ! then got one guy giving out flyers! amanda took it.. and i told her "YOU SEE HIM HANDSOME DEN U TAKE ONE RIGHT!" hahahah! amanda said he got height, he gt nice voice, but nvr see face.. i nvr notice height cant hear voice, but saw face! SO he got height, nice voice and handsome face!
after tt, we went down to cathy to have our astons! while queueing up for astons, gt one guy look out.. den he talk to his friends, den look out again.. tsk. see wad see.. feel like gorging out their eyes. then suay suay sit beside their table! we know we pretty right, no need see until like tt..
anyway! foood came w OUR favourite POTATO SALAD! yummm! after tt, we bus down to bugis! continue w our shopping! got a pair of heels at $15. dirt cheap! lacy somemore! but the crowd was HORRBILE! squeeeeze is the way to survive.
after tt, walk down to marina sq den to suntec! amanda took a pair of purple heels. i was like OMG SO UGLY! den she slip her foot into it and i was like OMG SO PRETTY! fickle-minded! but it was not cheap! and purple is a very NOT REALISTIC colour! as a friend, i gave her a neutral opinion! DUN BUY! so we headed back to ion to buy her nude heels and the stripe wedges! before tt, we went to buy the pizza like bread! IT WAS AWESOME! tt's my dinner! #verypoorthing!
walked to 313 to walk.. OUR LEGS DAMN PAIN! we were thinking how good it will be if SOMEONE is there to talk the things for us! sigh amanda, luggage more practical! let's be independent!
said bybye to her at cityhall!

amanda makes a great shopping partner!

my chargrill!

i love how my eyes are! reflective!
amanda commented tt she can see herself in my eyes!
see my bling bling eyes.. i nvr wear contacts hoh.. i gt attractive eyes..
ok ignore me pls..

if you read till this, im thankful for ur time. hence, i got something to say.. recently, i receive a call from fujitsu. and they inform me tt im able to bring my laptop down for service! YAY! tt means i can get my laptop repaired and i can see mr counter4! this also means tt i wun be blogging w pictures till my laptop returns! meanwhile, if you die die die must see me or if u miss me till u feel like plucking out all ur hair, pls go fb/twitter! <3
hope he is working tml! im gg down tml !

Friday, January 13, 2012

when lesson gets really boring...

quoting from amanda, "the sole reason why poly life has been bearable" . i click on OLDER to find this quote.. true! life would be very very very good without the existence of projs, exams, test, assessments and participation mark. but life is nvr good, so they exist.. LOL. i have a bunch of really fun-to-be-with friends! <3 and they made up a huge part of my poly life! imagine we are stuck tgt for 3 years, cos we aint changing class. how much memories have we created? (: i wun say they are all awesome ones, but, MAJORITY of them are.

im here to blog w some pictures that have been taken since the start of the last term! actually, only 2 weeks past, but it felt like forever.. can u imagine? everyday, wake up > school > after school stay back for proj > home > proj > sleep. and this vicious cycles continues! im not complaining cos i have a really supportive grp! w/o them, im probably not gg to survive these nonsense. irony, but they are actually making proj fun in a way too.. (':

my classmates are pretty nice to be with! for instance, just because i blogged ytd abt the csb incident, yuya actually asked me "BU YAO SAD LA" (which means not to be sad) but didnt say for wad until i gt wad she meant.. i guess cos she doesnt want to mention tt infront of my face.. little gesture from friend randomly makes me feels tt school is not abt studying only. at least i know im not blogging to a wall la!

anyway, i guess it is time for some super lame shit pictures!

AFA lesson.. no one listens to june yeo lesson anyway. feels bad, but we are not cut out for 8am lessons.
but we are pretty high tt day cos it is the first day of school! so ka-cha! im taking photos w a stitch!
i think i look pretty decent in specss!
trying out the app!
they refused to take photos! result of 8am class! BLAME THE SCHOOL!
recently, we gt really very CNY and we decided to write this word!
whatsapp a few ppl to guess which is my handwriting!
gt ppl say C&D cfm not mine..
gt ppl guessed A&B.
the best answer i got was:
me: guess which is mine!
friend: B
me: -.- WRONG!
friend: den is A liao.
me: ....
actually cannot blame me, when was the last time i write in chinese!
i even have to think of how to write my "chen". duno the "dong" is tick left or right.. forever in dilemma since im born..

so, so actually D is my handwriting.. ): not bad actually right?

MFB was really boring. so i decided to vandalise huimin's papper!
other than the "OMFG IM SO UGLY" the rest are my masterpiece, not bad right?

HELLO BFFAW! <3 i still love this name!

love this picture! so dreamy!
rmb i went shopping w her. den got one sales assistant tot we sisters cos we look alike!
LOL! hahaha! cannot forget this!
xiuhui, actually this picture is for you.. :D :D :D
must talk about this picture! today, after IS lesson, amanda and i skip AFA lesson cos we dun have e new notes! so we were walking to the mrt WANTING TO GO HOME.. but then, we were like thinking it is too early to go home! so we decided to have a sudden date at douby! went to walk walk see see drink drink! den at one shop damn epic! was browsing at some dresses.. den gt one look cute, but look like nurse uniform.. den i was like so cute! amanda say look like nurse! then i said something like CAN COSPLAY NURSE MA! IMMEDIATELY, amanda stun at tt sentence and looked at me! HAHAH! her expression priceless!!!!! i dun mean anything else, i really mean can act like nurse! damn dirty la this woman! she even suspected i got boy.. -.-"

then we continued to walk walk walk! then soon, time for her to go home, so we went seperate ways!
YAY! IM GG SHOPPING W AMANDA TML AGAIN! even though our taste is like 48572974651938 miles apart, but this shopping partner is nice!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


CSB was bad today, very bad.. of all names, the video used that name. and to make it worse, im actually paying attention to the video. i really dk wad is bothering me. just feel damn lousy. annoyed w myself. i was pretty happy this morning, like looking forward to gg home to receive my bellabox.

interesting to know that he still holds tt power. i tot i discharged him from tt power?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

our annual date - pam & annchee

it's e first day of the year again! new year! (: and it is our date again pamela! ((: we promised to spend the day tgt every year! even if we are busy, we will still meet up for dinner or wad.. love such PROMISE! we spend 4 yrs of e first day tgt alrdy! yay! let's keep it up okay!
love it when friends make the effort to remember the promise! and kept themselves free tt day!

so tt day, we went cine again! LOL! we had artease again! this time round i tried the chocolate pudding. not to my liking though.. prefer the one annchee intro me! choco milk tea w mini pearls!
wanted to catch a movie but non of the cinema fits into our timing as we have to meet annchee in the night! so we walked around and chat.. then, my nightmare came again.. pam asked me about M.. i kind of bare my heart and told her.. then she asked me if i still like him.. den i realised i cant answer her.. i dun have an answer.. i tried to laugh the matter off.. but fail.
well, at least i kept my tears from dropping.. it's not good to start of the year w tears!

anyway, time pass really quickly tt day and it soon, it is time to meet annchee.. waited for annchee at bedok inter.. wanted to bring pam to wasabisan.. then freakkkk!!! WASABISAN CLOSED DOWN!!!!! our lao di fang ):
nvm, we were so hungry tt we went 511 to have our dinner!
after tt we went to an open space near our hse to play firesparkles! it was 10+ gg 11 then.. it was dark and quiet! we had tons of fun w the firesparkles tt annchee bought! :D
when was the last time i played tt?? hmmm.. i miss being a child. where the most difficult decision is to choose which colour to colour my stickman's clothes and the most difficult task is to remove my lollipop from the plastic wrapper!
anyway, we have really a lot of fun! no amount of words can describe it!

enjoy the pictures! (:

totally in love w my stitch cover!
my smug face w artease!
nice pic taken my photographer tan!

pam is happy w her drink!
im happy w mine tooo!
pam, stitch and me!
my hair look long here!
this pam ar.. i ask her to pose like model w a "diamond" ring!
pam took this pic!
bought this neckalces for the girls!
mine, pam's and annchee's
i bought this cos i wanted the girls' and my dream to come through.. click to see the pic to read the words
till now, idk wad to wish for.. hence, i haven open to wear it yet..
happie w my sparklers!
happie us!
my annual date!
my steady!
this girl keep taking pic of us until only gt a few of her own pic!
ok la, actually i wan show off my 9.90 cheap shoe! really in love w this pair of sandals! should have bought all the colours!
supposed to be a heart..
now, a broken heart! LOL!
after playing, this annchee take all the sticks like joss stick and pray at pam! tsk aiyo!
after playing!
miss my long hair!

i have a confession to make.. i straighten my hair again fro FREE.. lol.. cos my perm failed and the salon compensated me.. so i went to reborn and dye my hair at only 120! heeheeheee! otherwise is 120 + 90! :O ohh, i cut my hair shorter now too! will keeeeeep longer in months to come!
have been busy these few days! ): will do another post real sooon again!

Monday, January 9, 2012


It feels like i've just taken a walk ard hades. It's nt a good feeling. If he just decided to take me in, i probably wun be able to blog alrdy ): anyway!
I rebonded my hair! I dyed my hair! Love me straight brown hair! Hates e fact tt my hair doesnt eat e dye. No one noticed i dyed my hair until i mention it. grr!

Will do a proper blogpost on e first day of e yr sooooon !

Sunday, January 8, 2012

last day of 2011

31Dec2011 last day of the year.. i tried my best to keep myself occupied. (: and im pretty pleased w my performance that day. (not those performing on stage hoh) *stage fright*

morning - accompany my family to IKEA for meatballs den to COURTS to choose sofa.. i drove there.. den my daddy says i deteriorate a lot. i cannot even make a u-turn without cutting another lane.. -.-" daddy says im a reckless driver, mummy says her heart stopped throughout the journey..only my grandma gave me encouraging comments lor. love my popo most <3 and cos of that, they say they wun let me drive alone! TT_TT WIN! wad is the point of getting my license now................ ._.
im a pretty good driver I THINK.. muz continue to drive. cos i doubt my hubby will be rich enough to hire a chauffeur for me.. but i guess we should be able to save enough for a car! it is ok if he doesnt drive manual, cos he die oso have to buy auto.. my license only allow me to drive auto.. i should bookmark this page and show him in future. *hint hint*

afternoon - i went home i wash up slp a while and prepare to meeet my sweetheart and 2armyboys for countdown! i think im v lazy. meet them i know i wun take photo so i didnt bother to even apply bb cream, didnt comb my hair (straight neat hair den T_T), den wait for calls to go down!
not long after, B called, so i went down. vroooom we reach KX hse really fast, she set up the mahjong table alrdyyy! (: (feel v spoilt, i miss the days when we have to catch the bus, now all vroom vroom alrdy)
after a while aunty uncle go out, so the entire hse is ours! heh! i was losing $$ the entire afternoon.. lost up to $20+.. den last game before we break off for steamboat, i won! MUAHAHAH! but still negative. so dc, after dinner muz continue..
at dinner, the two armyboys become our chef! open the can, cut the ingredients, start the charcoal and almost everything. feeel really blessed lor! they makes really good friend, boyfriend, hubby. i took the good friend space alrdy. i wonder which 2 lucky girls can fill the slots. (: wad me and kx do is to fool around! we walk ard them, boss them ard, den act one supervisor. kx said smth damn epic (act one supervisor) "oi zw! *smack him* got wash hand wash feet wash body a not?" HAHAHA. FAIL LA BABE!
after a while kx and i tired alrdy. so we sat down like a boss den now we act one children. we take the fork and spoon and bang the table and say WE WANT FOOD WE WANT FOOD! haha
food is here! love steamboat. i v dirty and disgusting one. i love sharing saliva w my friends. feels v F.A.M.I.L.Y (:
chop chop after dinner, helped out in washing the dishes! den MAHJONG AGAIN!
my lady luck decided to follow me now and i kept winning! overall, i won $42.60! yay! ((:
as we on the tv quite loud, we can hear the countdown. at "zero" we said HAPPY NEW YEAR den act one shake hand (they v friendly).. den few mins later i say GAME! (they all stared at me) tsk.. losers leh u all! haha anyway yay! it took us duno how long to play only 2 rounds.. LOLOLOL! we noooobies!
im happy and occupied w mahjong that day. i didnt had time to think of anything else.. well done tps! (:

this is my new sofa! will arrive in apr! throwing away the sofa tt you have sat before. *laughs*
didnt abide to the rule, i still on the camera function! HAHAH!
prawns! was so happie no vege!
next, i saw this -.-"
4 ppl share one abaloneeeeee.

i had one of the best countdowns. no crowds, no squeezing, no rushing. just w the company of the 3 of them, i feel tt my life is complete.