Saturday, July 28, 2012

25July - Our Monthly Outing

my fils and i made it a point to meet every 25th of the month! (: 
this outing is missing out nick! he gt army! ): nvr next outing! ((: anyway, e 3 of us went down to TCC at bugis to have our dinner because huijun received the 50% off voucher for her birthday month! and she offered to share the deal w us! <3 we love huijun!

it's always nice to meet up w my fils. oh yeah! anqi and i damn joke! the motive of gg toilet is to camwhore! tt's what we are best at! preserving our youth! haha! another funny thing we did is to exchange our ezlink card before we tap out of the gantry and to return it to the rightful owner after that. we are lame like this but we enjoyed our silliness ~ it's really nice to have someone to do silly things w me and enjoyed the process!

well, we all know tt best friends do stupid things w you and laugh tgt. that's what we are <3 even tho we damn sian and nth to do while waiting for huijun, even if gt silent moment, there is no awkwardness at all! like i like i like! <3 <3  

after TCC, walked ard awhile and we go home! out for less than 6 hrs! we are steady pom pi pi ppl, one promise and we are out! number of hrs spent tgt cannot define our happiness! (:

my 2Gs!

i feel like a bimbo camwhoring caught in action! HAHAHA!

enjoying the menu like a taitai!

idk what am i looking at!

the mozzarella cheese stick! i love this! the tomato sauce is yummy! 

huijun feeeeding me the chocolate cake!

huijun preaching on smth weird stuff which my level of chinese education doesnt allow me to comprehend. 
hence, my face.
this is what happened to anqi too!

damn! i love this app! it's on anqi's phone!
im not sharing what app is this because i cant find it on app store and you are not getting the app if i cant get it!
im selfish and i know it! :P

we love toilets!

making myself busying by using timer~ hhahaha!
i dont even have time to carry my bag properly!

decided to juz do it normally~

my yummy pasta! it's nice and i love this!
original price is at $17.50. 50% off and it's so cheap! ((:

table of awesome fooood!

happy girls on happy 25th <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

sim uol orientation

on a dreadful monday, i pulled my ass off my bed to go for the freshman orientation.. -.-" LOL, if not for germaine, i will definitely skip this thing! 
i went anyway. 

it was filled w human beings. i would have been a pathetic lonely soul if i dont have germaine's company! *grateful* so i had a friend w me! and we were supposed to be grouped in accordance to the order we enter. we were damn lucky. i was cut off after i enter. so it means tt germaine and i wont be in e same group if there is one more lady infront of us! 
there are 15 girls and 15 boys in a group. we were all from e same programme.. i have no idea why do we have to make friends only after we have done our eCR.. -.- and not like we will all be interested in the same units in future.. hmmm..

basically, i regretted the moment i stepped into the grand hall.. -.-" the organizers formed a line to cheer for us when we enter.. tmd.. it's so embarrassing i swear.. thanks for your thought and efforts to make us feel welcomed, src, but i dont feel comfortable w that. dislike been in e center of attraction (first in line can..) even tho i am a attention-seeker. 

we were in OG8.. and the thing i hated most happened.. we had to stand up one by one to introduce ourselves. damn.. we were given the yellow shirt.. i feel like a banana.. )x
followed by ice breaking game.......... we did speed dating (30 seconds per guys.. and i rmb none. and the guys were quite tall, so i had to look up to almost everyone. i feel my neck aching i swear. ), modified charades (none of them can guess my "sexy woman" act, well, im not the sexy type what!! but i guessed the sorry sorry correct!), good morning game (tmd, i was so stressed how to rmb the names when a guy beside me ask me what is my iphone for..! so rude to ask tt from someone you just met, but i laugh it off..)


after lunch, we were paired up a girl and a boy to play smth like 3 legged race. the guy im paired w is tall. im only at his chest area. damn. germaine's pair, my pair and another random pair damn slacker. we sat down chit chat and talk about "strategy". end up we still out.. LOL. 
this is how the game goes...
there is a lash hanging on the guy's pants, only the girl is allowed to pull it off the other teams. i managed to pull off one only! as our legs were tied tgt, we had to move tgt right, yet i have to pull off others and have to protect ours.. then i ganchiong leh! i started to walk really quickly, wobbled ard, almost fall and pulled him along. and among the noisy hall, i keep hearing him say "xiao xin, xiao xin.." not bad, quite gentleman. because he could have blamed me for keep wobbling and almost fall and not walk properly (because he starting say he walk w me, meaning i lead la..). but he didnt, instead he said xiao xin. 
so guys, all you need to do is be a little bit more considerate, girls aint blind, deaf or heartless, we are grateful and appreciative too. tho im grateful, i dont rmb how he look like now.. :/ sorry! but i did rmb his name! the only name other than germaine's tt i caught this orientation!

we were supposed to choose the best pair for each OG, and we chose a really strong pair!!!! they won!!! then among all the best pair, WE WON AGAIN!!! omgomgomg! germaine and i were so engross in watching the match that we sat in e front row and cheered, shouted, screamed and clapped w all of our energy! there is a girl tt commented tt germaine seemed to be really proud of our champion! they were really awesome. ((:

after tt, germaine and i were really restless already.. we decided to............. SKIP THE REMAINING PART OF THE ORIENTATION. because the latter part is some games station under the sun and some voting thing for the council leaders.. even tho i feel bad for leaving the OG, because it may affect their moral (being v confident of myself.. hahaha), but i feel tt if i dont leave, i will regret. 

i guess the only thing tt i enjoyed is tt when everyone did the OG8 cheer really loudly and tt 3 legged race part. other than tt, im pretty negative about such events. 

idk how to make friends in uol.. ): like we do not have a class, and that it is in a lecture form... so, im pretty pessimistic abt making new friends. not tt im a social butterfly, but i would like to have a group of friends to call them my UNI FRIEND.. 

our lunch. not bad. but i really hate to eat without a table. spoils my appetite. 

grand hall filled w bananas.

this pretty much concludes my orientation.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hungry chimps

i was googling googling and i found this place at prinsep street! and i thought i MUST bring jiaqi there! because her fav animal is monkey! haha! so we went tgt!
they have lunch promo so it's 9.90$ nett! 

i love how they decorated the place! it's not bustling w people so it's quiet! (: and it's bight, cosy and homely! i really love this place! well, food wise is not bad.. but pretty normal.. however,  i must praise their mushroom soup! it's well done! calamari is their signature dish. it's good when it is hot, however, it gets pretty chewy when it cools down. not ideal for someone tt doesnt love to chew, like me. haha!

if i were to rate it,
location : 3/5
food : 3.5/5
variety of food : 3/5
service : 4/5
decoration : 5/5!

i will definitely go back there again ((:

after chimps-ing, we went down to 313 and orchard ion! shop shop as usual! it feels good to go out w a girlfriend and shop ard. i mean, even if i bought nth ! ((:

we had, "lu gang xiao zhen:" for dinner. dislikes! queue for ard 10 mins to get a seat yet the food is slightly below average. and saw their manager "telling off" his subordinates softly (tho i can hear it).. LOL. he can do it behind close doors for all i care. but dont do it infront of customers la.. i know you tried to speak softly but still, ppl like me do observe uh.. -.-
doubt i will be gg back there again!

showing you the shy side of me!

we are the modern monkeys!

i love this!

it's gooood!

jiaqi's ocean catch! nicer than mine!

my orient chicken ? :O 
olulu one..

oh! this is gooood!
desserts = cold. 
however, this hot apple strudel is niceee!

empty but really comfy~

i love this lamp!!
even tho this is as useless as the "ay" in "okay"

us us us!

welcome to hungry chimps!

i will like to sit on this sofa one day!

it's located on the second floor of the shop houses!
it's not difficult to find i swear!
it's opposite POMO!

soft focus is the best <3