Saturday, September 15, 2012

perfect 10-2 outing!

this was supposed to be a perfect 10 outing but 2 couldnt make it. so we are left we 8! huat arh!
nevertheless, we had more than 10 people worth of fun and laughter! 

jiahui and i met earlier to go crazy first. watch TED.. jiahui and i gave each other the WTF face throughout the movie.. ted is cute but dont really worth my $9..  nvm! camwhore in the toilet for 20 minutes! win. girls. lighting is always really good in toilet. i have no idea why! i should go steal the lightbulb from the toilet someday. just kidding. 

germaine and kengling came to looked for us after that! walked ard bugis. not long after, xiuhui appeared too! went down to tian tian huo guo first. ida, amanda and yuya joined us after that!

if you had been to tian tian huo guo, u will know that the noise lvl there is high! considering the sound of the tyres of the cars on the road, oil splattering on the bbq hotplate, people chatting and laughing, etc, our table of 8 still managed to attract attention from north south east west with our laughter and "screams". 
we are an annoyance to other customers but who cares when we had fun! (:

fml, i pronounced ladle as ladder.. and the girls laughed at me T___T and to make it worst, i didnt realise i was in the wrong until someone pointed it out ! but it's okay! this word will be etched on my mind forever! blessing in disguise. (admire my optimism) hahah. 

oh ya.. there is a point where we need oil cos the food were stucked onto the aluminium foil. so they ask me to get the guy in grey, i turned my head to locate him and turned back and say "dw, he not handsome". the other 7 girls exclaimed "walaoooo!" so loudly that i feeel so malu! HAHHA! just kidding la! but it's a rare sight that they share such telepathy and had the same response! 


our table started talking to a bunch of hongkong tourist sitting beside us. it's was quite soft as im sitting furthest from them, hence, i started losing interest eventually. but i can still catch some of their convos and laughed along w them!

i have a very habit since idk when. my mood automatically plunge whenever im feeling warm and tired but rockets the moment i stepped into an aircon environment! then i will walk super fast to the destination or sit quietly at a corner and use my phone. it is aka my grumpy mood. but when i start to whine or smth, im into my cranky mood! hahah. 

pictures time? (:

ok, i forced jiahui to type the chiobuahma~

the 8 of us (:


i did the -___- face!

didnt i say i camwhore 20 mins w jiahui in the toilet? (:

didnt i say the lighting in the toilet is really goood?
i didnt photoshop or edit at all (:

abuse me!

i gt the 38 face

 my row!

i got chased back to my row after yuya returns!

my bffaw <3

this concludes the night! 
it will be really difficult to meet up as a group when school starts, work starts, project starts, exams starts. but it will still be nice if there is at least one meet up a year. i guess it isnt too much of me to ask for a meetup a year (: like everyone push back all appointment to make the gathering possible. it will be really nice ! :) till our next outing, ciaos!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

blue day

this will be a pictorial post!
annchee and i wore similar blue throwover that day! telepathy! we didnt make any arrangement beforehand!
similar top
similar fringe parting
similar camwhoring hormones
awesome day! perfect for snappping!

feeel oh so lovey dovey  <3

met up at ynps > bus down to vivo > lunch at ajisen > movie (step up revolution) > lepak > dinner at marche > home
there is really nth much to elaborate on that day! our happiness are all shown in the pictures below!

caution: below are ALL of our camwhoring shots.
you had been warned. scroll down at ur own risk! (:

we took 200 over pics tt day! crazy but it didnt beat our record still! nevertheless, this is what girls are best at (: