Wednesday, August 22, 2012


we are the lucky few that got invited by ida to her 22nd (:

yes, im exactly 2 months late for this post. haha. better late than never. i vaguely rmb how the day goes. i had school > met jiahui at SP > train down to cine to buy present > down to bishan ntuc > met weijian > met konghim > go bbq > home 

the present we got for ida is exactly the same as the one her friends got for her! omg, amazed by how telepathy works! :O 

i dont remember what did we talked about but i rmb laughing a lot. so much that my jaw hurts from all the laughing! happy pain (: 

camwhoring while weijian writes on the bday card!
konghim and weijian had a hard time writing! 
a number of my guys friends had problem w writing bday wishes?!?!
i can easily come up w a chunk of nonsense! #proud!

reason why jiahui and i laughing is cos he got difficulty aiming and snapping this pic. 
and we pose for a really long long time. 

camwhore camwhore!
this woman really good at camwhoring! i nvr upload the pics we took in the train! OMG!

with the bday girl! <3
have messaged you my wishes on ur bday ((: 
