Monday, December 26, 2011

23rd dec 2011 - SP mega-cliqque

i had 3 days of fun in a row to celebrate xmas! this year was pretty happening! (: i like! i will be doing 4 posts on xmas.. im starting w e first now. the next 3 will be up consecutively! so stay tune if you are interested in how i spent my xmas2011. idk why am i so enthu in xmas this year.. prolly is because of the 2012 end of world thing. should tt really happen (21/12/2012), then this will be my last xmas leh! ): so die die muz enjoy! <3

i love it when im out w my friends.. (: with them, i can stop thinking of stupid things because im occupied! so, im pretty afraid of having nothing to do.. haha.. i did pretty well these few days.. haven been thinking a lot.. i guess it is because im pretty occupied. it is a good thing right.

so on e 23rd, i was omw to vivo to meet the ladies! at outrum park, i purposely missed one train cos i know im early.. i guess it is fate or something, while waiting for the next train i saw amanda!! ((: yay to no lonely train rides!

after tt, met up w mianbao and ha-tai.. den we go down to the ban heng smth rest for DIM SUM BUFFET! when we first stepped into the rest, we tot it was some kind of chinese wedding dinner! first time gg to such places w friends! #sibeicool we started ordering the dimsums! the food was actually ok.. but i prolly wun go back thr again.. we ate almost everything tt was on the list. tt is how cool it is to go buffet w friends!! goose came after tt followed by kengling!

ate a few rounds of dimsum and we were all full.. then we went to GV the waiting area thr to xchange our gifts! wanted to go out to the open area but it was raining cats and dogs. ): nevertheless, it was funny seeing the expressions of the present opener! i hope xiuhui likes the lamp!
i loved the hellokitty purse! it totally spells PUAYSEE! it was PINK GLOSSY HELLOKITTY w GOLD CHAIN! ok, im speaking like a bimbo now! but which girl is not bimbo.. i believe no matter how man a girl is, inside her, she wants to be pretty, she wants to be loved, she loves pink, bling and everything nice. and then tt's is her XIAO NU REN (: im juz different, i display my xiao nu ren-ness out loud! yes i love pink bling ribbon lace flowers. DONT JUDGE.

amanda gt xiuhui's ring
xiuhui gt my lamp
i got huimin's hellokitty purse
huimin gt amanda's sushi making set w RICE
kengling gt shimin's outerwear
shimin gt kengling's schedule book

yeah! den kengling left us.. followed by amanda.. after tt, the 4 of us went to roam ard vivo like ghost den we settle for desserts! there is always room for dessert no matter how full a woman is! *winks* yesyes, womantalk again. im really glad to be a woman! if im a guy, i think i will castrate myself and then go bang wall and die..

this is the last xmas im spending w this bunch of siao zhar bors. life in poly have been pretty awesome with them ard. im glad i chose SP instead of TP or NP.. (: if not, i wun be having all these fun now! just hope that we will be having this fun for xmas2012 too.. okay ladies! make urself free on 23rd or 24th xmas next year too (:
it is not easy for 6 girls to make themselves free for special events to spend it tgt.. it is the effort tt everyone makes tt make all these happen!

will be graduating in a couple of months.. RT @thmessylocks "looking at the pictures, i think im gg to cry during graduation" (idk the exact words but it has e same meaning)

pictures time!
opening the gift from huimin! ((:

look at the purse! doesnt it shout PUAYSEEEEEE?
xiuhui opening my gift for her! (cos i want to be the light in her life) wahh i so mushyy!
it is pretty bright right?
there was a clearer version but this pic everyone look better!
bth this mianbao! filled w cheeky ideas!
look at the gold chain! ok la, i post this pic cos i tot i look quite nice here! :p
santa hats!!! idk how many santa hats i gt after this year.. :O
look at my hellokitty specks! it is sooo cute im gg to dieee!
im taller den huimin (proved)
goose #sibeiconsistent handwriting
the polaroid pic! i have nvr regret getting the polaroid. sometimes im pretty shy to take out my polaroid and say "we take tgt?" YES IM SHY!
wrapping gift for huimin's sister! :O
ahem, call me lady scotchtape!
mianbao and me!
avarta and me!
hatai and me!
the table of DIMSUM!
(yes i know, the pictures are all jumbled up!)
snap snap snap!
it was candid and i tot the two look v happie here!
i like the two balls on amanda's face!!
the gifts........................... HAHAHA
huimin look like big bird here.. idk why.. it is juz amusing to see huimin's serious face :D
(trying hard to use ladies instead of girl, we are all grown up afterall)
same leg pose.. hearts alrdy.. perfect for vday!
DUN DISTURB! we are in a library (if u believe)

after studying the menu..
mango sago!

mango sago w pomelo!

with or without the pomelo, it cost 5.80.. LOL!
yes, now im reluctant to delete my blog.. this is a happie post!