Wednesday, December 28, 2011

24th Dec 2011 - Santa is coming to town w FIL

HOHOHO! 2nd post and this means it's merry xmas eve! & it spent my day w my favorite FIL. my was really very well spent, wad about yours? whereever you are, so long as we are with our friends, anywhr is fine (: agree?
after idk how many donkey months, we finally met up! but short of one! huijun went china AGAIN.. we are suspecting that she gt herself a boyfriend there! haha! nevertheless, we had 4 ppl worth of fun!
i reach bedok inter after nick and we were practically stalking on anqi's bus.. we were praying tt anqi is late so that she will treat us drinks! but she reach ON THE DOT.. like really ON THE DOT.. amazed!
we went over to changi city point for brunch! the soup is really yummy! ok, *craves* den went over to the arcade.. idk why but we nvr fails to go arcade EVERY OUTING! #foreveryoung! while playing the basketball machine, nick actually broke the record! *claps claps* we shall head over someday again to see if anyone had broken the record.. den gt one angmoh walk pass and he is so surprised.. HAHAHA!
we went up to the rooftop! awwww! it is perfect for phototaking if the floor isnt wet.. the background is really awesome.. if only gt blue sky.. tsk! why rain.. i wanted a white xmas not a wet one!
after tt, we took another bus down to 112 katong (i want to katong.. if u understand).. den we went into a small shop that sells things tt i dun really eat.. so, nick ate while anqi and i camwhore! this is wad girls are good at right? (:
then we head over to another arcade.. #sibeiyoung.. we saw gingerbreadman and santa walking ard! i literally pull anqi and run! cos wan to take photo with them! and we kacha! photo taken! idk why but i feel tt the santa look really familia.. hmmmm.. i gt someone in mind, but the him i know nt so tall lehh.. so idk la.. paranoid.
after a while, nick gtg and we took the same bus back w him cos we scared tt we will get lost w/o him! nick our forever fil's guide! <3 & he kept tempting us w e smell of tt roast chicken! LOL!
after nick alight, left me and anqi! we headed down to MFM for dinner! :D it was delicious!!! *drool* we were so full yet there are still rice.. so we force ourselves.. cannot waste rice.. nong fu work under e sun you know! it is really sinful to waste rice! OHOHOH! the waiter and waitress there damn rude, they greeted everyone WELCOME and THANKYOU SEE YOU AGAIN except us.. we were waiting for them to say TY to us after we left, but non of them say anything. angrybird.
headed home.. but we walk from bedok point to the temp inter.. feel like killing overselves.. REALLY V FAR! ):

enjoy the pictures okay! (:
the gingerbreadman and santa tt makes me run!
i tot this effect really gt the xmas feel.. so i say merry christmas before taking it!
in the middle of the shopping center got this pond! <3
you see this place! perfect for phototaking w friends right!
the open space! (((: gt ppl picnic there lor.. super romantic ._.
this anqi and nick ar, refused to wear the santa hat after we enter the mall again!
die die muz take w xmas tree!
nick why you block half of my face?! ):
while nick is eating, we are doing wad we are good at.. and nick caught us on the screeeen!
my DIY nails.. not bad right?
112 katong xmas tree! HAHAh
hello nick!
hello anqi!
our STANDING hats! hahah!
hey nick, this is wad we do in the toilet tt makes you wait so long outside! XP
happie nick ar..
snapshot #1
snapshot #2 - ppl of the year hoh!
snapshot #3 - why is tt old man looking at us?!
snapshot #4
snapshot #5
snapshot #6
snapshot #7
yummy foooood!
we cleared everything except carrots.. we aint bunny fyi.

this is how i spent my xmas eve 2011 (: happpie! if not for 3G1B blog, all these will not be possible.. i wouldnt have got to know this bunch of awesome ppl! im really grateful towards nick. he never fails to plan the outing for us! he know how to go, where to go and when to go.. he gt everything planned out! all we have to do is to follow & we will have fun! (: im sure anqi and huijun are grateful too (:
2012, we will have even more outings! really looking forward to them! okay FILs, im alrdy missing you all!