Saturday, December 3, 2011

my STEADY & ahtiong Gathering

recently on the 29nov2011, the ahtiong gang is out on a mission again to SIMPANG BEDOK for supper! more of such outings are encourage! we met at 930, we reached home at 1230. 3 hours are short, but the memories' lifespan aint going to be that short. i may even be holding onto these memories until my last breath. well, we are all made up of memories right? (dun correct me by saying tt we are made up of 70% water in our body, i will prolly juz roll my eyes at you).

annchee, eric, pamela, zhenxing and me know each other since primary5, when we were still short ones with kuku hairstyle.. now, we grew taller and with more stylo milo hairstyle! [changes are the only thing in this world that nvr change] , hence i really hate changes. sometimes, i envy the trees, they get to stay by the side of their loved ones until one gets uproots. otherwise, they are 24/7 with each other's side...

ah sidetrack, back to topic! so i was actually watching MAMA and it was SUPERJUNIOR talking over the mic when im supposed to be leaving the hse. coincidentally, saw zhenxing at the busstop (yay to NO LONELY bus rides).. so we went down to meet annchee and pam and eric! we had supper and updated on the most recent happening.

chats chats chats.. photos photos photos.. i woke up at 6am tt day and im kind of very tired.. energy level running really low. so otw home, we went to find one void deck with tables to camwhore! afterwhich, we walk home.. throughout the journey, i know pam, eric and zhenxing were chatting at the back while ac walk by me, but my mind is blank, i cant hear a thing tt they are talking other than me telling myself, WALK FASTER AND YOU CAN GO HOME BATHE AND SLP.. i think my leg grew 20 cm tt period and i walk really fast.. *damn zai*

then zx and i say bye bye to them while they continue they way homeee!
(peeeektures time)
p/s: this is the last time you see zx with hair! to-be-army boy soon!

it's the official opening of! *claps claps* my steadyANNCHEE, created the background for me! that is very nice of her! she just break camp and she work on my blog for me! (': *grateful* i love her since idk when, but recent events makes us even closer, even stronger bonds. We undergo really similar encounters. we lost people that we love in the same period, we lost our friend tgt, we got spammed tgt, we got scolded tgt, we scold x tgt, we chat late into the night tgt, we have dinner tgt almost once a week to catch up.. it is really not easy to maintain a friendship, but we can see the effort that both of us made for each other during those times to meet for a chat.. i promise, as long as you are trying, im staying (: