Wednesday, January 11, 2012

our annual date - pam & annchee

it's e first day of the year again! new year! (: and it is our date again pamela! ((: we promised to spend the day tgt every year! even if we are busy, we will still meet up for dinner or wad.. love such PROMISE! we spend 4 yrs of e first day tgt alrdy! yay! let's keep it up okay!
love it when friends make the effort to remember the promise! and kept themselves free tt day!

so tt day, we went cine again! LOL! we had artease again! this time round i tried the chocolate pudding. not to my liking though.. prefer the one annchee intro me! choco milk tea w mini pearls!
wanted to catch a movie but non of the cinema fits into our timing as we have to meet annchee in the night! so we walked around and chat.. then, my nightmare came again.. pam asked me about M.. i kind of bare my heart and told her.. then she asked me if i still like him.. den i realised i cant answer her.. i dun have an answer.. i tried to laugh the matter off.. but fail.
well, at least i kept my tears from dropping.. it's not good to start of the year w tears!

anyway, time pass really quickly tt day and it soon, it is time to meet annchee.. waited for annchee at bedok inter.. wanted to bring pam to wasabisan.. then freakkkk!!! WASABISAN CLOSED DOWN!!!!! our lao di fang ):
nvm, we were so hungry tt we went 511 to have our dinner!
after tt we went to an open space near our hse to play firesparkles! it was 10+ gg 11 then.. it was dark and quiet! we had tons of fun w the firesparkles tt annchee bought! :D
when was the last time i played tt?? hmmm.. i miss being a child. where the most difficult decision is to choose which colour to colour my stickman's clothes and the most difficult task is to remove my lollipop from the plastic wrapper!
anyway, we have really a lot of fun! no amount of words can describe it!

enjoy the pictures! (:

totally in love w my stitch cover!
my smug face w artease!
nice pic taken my photographer tan!

pam is happy w her drink!
im happy w mine tooo!
pam, stitch and me!
my hair look long here!
this pam ar.. i ask her to pose like model w a "diamond" ring!
pam took this pic!
bought this neckalces for the girls!
mine, pam's and annchee's
i bought this cos i wanted the girls' and my dream to come through.. click to see the pic to read the words
till now, idk wad to wish for.. hence, i haven open to wear it yet..
happie w my sparklers!
happie us!
my annual date!
my steady!
this girl keep taking pic of us until only gt a few of her own pic!
ok la, actually i wan show off my 9.90 cheap shoe! really in love w this pair of sandals! should have bought all the colours!
supposed to be a heart..
now, a broken heart! LOL!
after playing, this annchee take all the sticks like joss stick and pray at pam! tsk aiyo!
after playing!
miss my long hair!

i have a confession to make.. i straighten my hair again fro FREE.. lol.. cos my perm failed and the salon compensated me.. so i went to reborn and dye my hair at only 120! heeheeheee! otherwise is 120 + 90! :O ohh, i cut my hair shorter now too! will keeeeeep longer in months to come!
have been busy these few days! ): will do another post real sooon again!