Monday, February 6, 2012

last projective monday!

hello hello! happy post todayy!

after a year of chionging projects, exams, tests and assessment, it is finally the last week of the school term! we are all tying up the loose ends of our projects.. remember how we used to stay back in school for projects. be it for a while or overnight, i appreciate the days! (but it is really hard to go thru these again)
we smiled, we laughed, we pekchek, we pissed, we sad, we demoralized, we partied, we went thru thick and thins, we solved problems when it arises, but we didnt gave up..
finally, our sufferings are ending soon! it is the last week! (((: it's the last mondayy!

of cos, our friendship grew at lightning rate (: we went shopping, we ate tgt, we ton overnight tgt, we teased, we talked, we gossiped, but we didnt fell out! ((: (best part of a friendship is being able to tease yet wun angry) <3

so today, this IDA BFFAW like bought a packet of M&Ms. then i told her wad i did to m&m when im young. i treat it like a lipstick. (yesyes, im a bimbo bitch since young can) ! so ida and i played w it! i took a very NORMAL RED while this ida took an ABNORMAL BLUE.. LOLOL! love steady friends whr we do stupid things tgt! yay!

my red reflects better in real life. idk why the pic makes my lip so pale.. should have chosen brown! you see this ida! HAHAAH
girls right... we muz take photos! ((:
plus is last monday.. MUST TAKE..
plus w me.. CFM CHOP MUST TAKE!

after taking it, ida edited it! and it turns out damn nice! idk if she gt change the lighting or not.. but i only know she added the words and stickers and bling bling! <3
BFFAW! i love the way she wrote the "FF" like "#"! <3
our eyes both look damn watery here!!! love how reflective my eyes are! thanks daddy mummy for this pair of eyes! thanks for the double eyelids too! (save money on PS) i love it! *wink*

this week is going to be so AWWW! so many "last time".


went down to SIM on sat.. sent my application form in.. i took up the bridging course cos i cant afford to waste any more time.. i know i've wasted a year in poly. if i can reverse time, i may opt for JC.. i wonder how will my life be if i listened to my family and chose JC tt year.. i guess if i did badly, i will still be in uni now.. -.-
but if i opt for JC, i wouldnt have met my mighty DAC02 and my awesome cliquee and my dearest grpmates.. <3 i hope this offset the time wasted.. i guess it will definitely offset it (:
so yeah, im nt the top students, i dun have fabulous results.. so SIM is definitely my next step. i kinda like the environment.. let's hope i will be happy there!