Wednesday, March 14, 2012

bellabox MAR

before i start talking about this month's bellabox, let me share with you what have i been doing for the past 2 days.. as you know, i haven step out of the hse since 5th March 2012. this is because my foot still hurts.. ): plus plus, #foreveralone. )):
i caught several dramas these few days.. taiwan and korean.. as for taiwan dramas, i personally love "zui hou jue ding ai shang ni" [drunken to love].. <3 getting drunk, waking up to find themselves married! (Y). i dun mind having such crazy relationship! so exciting!
15 mins ago, i just completed another korean drama.. HEARTSTRINGS.. smiled like a fool, cried like an idiot.. handsome, cute, funny, love <3 despite knowing they will still be tgt in the end, i still feeel very excited. jung yong hwa, <3, step one noble.. TT___TT what more can i say? touched..

see my eyes, you will realise that
overdose of cuteness these 2 days! :D :D :D
the way he says he is hungry, meltzxczxczxczxc!
stayed up till 4am to watch this show!
in the afternoon while watching heartstring, postman knock on my door again! thanks god im not crying tt time.. haha! ((: it is the BELLABOX!
this month was pretty goood i would say. as usual, 5 items at the cost of $15..
1) a full size lipgloss! i loved the lipgloss! when you open it up, there are lights!!!! like my mirror w led light! bimbo max but i "WAH" when i wanted to try it just now!
2) a pot of real gold! royal herb ex cream.. idk wad is it.. but aiya, gold, cfm good for skin one right.. ask me eat diamond i also swallow..
3) Spray kind of dermalogica toner! you spray instead of using a facial cotton. great for lazy bums like me! ((: im very shallow and ignorant.. i think it should be goood since the name has chim chim words like dermalogica.. hahaha..
4) lip and eyes cream tt is said to reduce fine lines, dark circles blah blah.. the eye creams i see outside have these functions too.. so idk if it will works or not.. but a small tube of 15ml cost $75.. so if you study marketing, customers (me) perceive the quality to be justifiable against the high cost..
5) hand cream. idk. i have different kinds of hand cream at home.. so long as the cream is not sticky and as long as it smells good, im okay w it. (: i am not a cinderalla, i dun have rough hands now.. maybe i will be more conscious of my hands when im older or when my price is gg to slip a ring into my finger!

this is the first time im blogging about bellabox w more efforts. got take photo with it okay.. yeapyeap, i admit im wayyyyy to bored at home.. crippled-woman-in-action. sometimes i wonder why my sprain takes so long to heal.. ppl sprain recover in a day.. my is abt 2 weeks alrdy. ):
as i was watching my drama on the glass table at home, i rest my arm on it. and few hours later, blue black on my arm! okay laugh at me pls. leaning on a glass produce blue black on my skin.. ): tofu skin leh! delicate. handle me with care! :P
this is the lipstick! i gt a picture of the light one.. but i didnt want to upload because due to the bright light, my face become black.. -.-" nvm. im no snow white. ):
the pot of gold!
50g = $268. i gt 3g of it $16+ (just this item alone, i gt my $15 back)
the rest of the items!
happy w my box!

please praise me. im blogging this at 2:08am! ): panda eyes are my best friend now but i dun really like her..