Monday, April 2, 2012

the official 3G1B outing!

the long awaited 3G1B outing is finally here! ((: can never describe the happiness in me everytime we meet! in twitter cfm chop super noisy one! and very happening! but i love it! <3 another thing tt i wanna say to nick is that thankyou for planning EVERY outing. we never have to fret whr to go wad to eat and how to go. you have every route planned out beforehand. all we have to do is to follow! and we will NEVER GET LOST. haha! he is our walking directory! ((: the effort you took to plan the outings, we felt it. everytime! thanks! our fils <3

and the place we do never repeat except nex.. you always have new hideout to bring us to explore! despite the long walk under the scorching sun, i feeeel damn loved by you all la! <3 <3
i complained, i grumble, but i hope you all know that i really appreciate every outing w my fils (:

anyway, met up! then went to vivo to have our ljs lunch! hahaha, i swear anqi's "lunch liao lunch liao" joke is the best ever! etched deeeply on my mind!
after tt, the real challenge starts. oh before tt, on the bus ride, im laughing at st anthony's girls for running 2.4km.. karma lor.. i walked more that tt distance tt day UNDER THE SUN somemore.. ok la, nice view though..

there will be some pictures of wad we walk later.. haha.. while walking halfway, (no shelter), gt thunder.. and we still got 0.9km to walk leh! TT___TT *faint* chiong only..

finally, it is time to meet huijun.. she gt lesson tt day.. then finally see her after soooo long!!!
even though we met up for a while only, but but but, the long busride allows some catching up!!! yay to tt..

last but not least, this had got to be one of the best outing i had! i shall let the pictures do the talking!

look at the biscuit tin behind me! so retro! and thanks to anqi's photography skill, i look goood here! :p
nick enjoying his high tea!
must take photo!
busride. otw to vivo.. ohya, the pictures are all jumbled up.. 4 ppl take 4 version of photos and uploaded at 4 different places.. lazy to arrange leh!
at jurong point's toilet, poor nick have to wait for us EVERYTIME also!
hahaha! we look cute here!!! both of us!
despite the crowded bus, we are united! (: this anqi edited this pic and wrote a touching paragraph on facebook!
can you guess whr we are? we are in singapore!
we went to some atas housing estate whr the view from their houses are wad are behind us.. i wan stay there lor..
see how nice the environment is!! where is my golden tortise?!?!?!?! sink and drown in the ocean liao isit?! float and come find me now la.. stupid tortise!
walao.. step one atas.. and i darn cheeena here can.. take unbrella.. but the sun really cnt maintain leh!
ok, one of the unit, i wan! of not *flip table*
some flies ard me.. and nick took a photo of it..
nick never fails to take unglam photo of us sia.. but i look ok here leh! just feeling grumpy because of the sun!
and this anqi and nick ask me to celebrate my 21st bday on a yacht.. kns.. i seasick la.. -.-" ltr my 21st, i vomit my day away..
we walked this distance.. and this is not even 1/5 of it..
really v hot.. my head itchy la! nick also wan take!
messy hair.. but this is the best i have alrdy! but ok la hor?
got one grp of ppl just took the yacht pass us.. *envy*
the view really v nice! v serene and calming.. (:
bollywood inspired.. hahahah!
the umbrella really spoils the picture!
solo pic!
jump. got pass a bit la..
hair really cnt maintain sia..
this bridge is goood. i enjoy this part of the journey most!!! and it is said to be able to see crocodile!
the artistic kaya bread tt I took.. ME hor.. photographer tan!
we are camwhoring yet caught in the act! shy sia!
they decided to take one too!
wahh.. like happy only!
standard. idk why but cfm got picture like this . regardless of who im out w!
otw home alrdy ):
i own the entire bus!!!! cos lao niang pay to book the entire bus to drive US..
see see!
ps, back to the start of the day.. my super long straw! and anqi broke my straw by piaking on it ): and i cant master this piaking straw skill ):
kacha kacha!
snap snap!
i should have got this! better than mine!
my yucky cabonara!
one happy family!
our children are marrying each other! so other prospective inlaws, im sorry but my children and their children are taken. no slots for you alrdy.. you can try gg maple and type "F> future in laws" fml, im mixing reality and maple up. hahaha! :P

i love these 3 ppl.. <3