Sunday, May 6, 2012

off to happy island hokkaido

i will be flying off in 21 hours time! the long await hokkaido is just a day away from me now! (: 
if you follow my twitter, you will know tt hokkaido is my dream island.. i want my honeymoon there! i want to experience the 4 seasons in hokkaido. im gg for the spring one now - CHERRY BLOSSOM! imagine the scene - whitish pink trees w dark brown trunk and falling petals! how romantic!

8 days trip! 6may - 14may! 
idk if anyone will contact me but you can leave me a msg at whatsapp. i will try if i can get any free wifi there! otherwise, i will reply when im back! *walao i super bhb here.. thinking ppl will find me! ):" 
fine fine.. psys!

anyway, i will be back real soon.. (i really dunwan to come back....)