Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2 posts in 1

before i start on the post, let me say smth! i do not have many pictures, thus combining two outings in a post!

1st June (one more mth to my bday, ahem. HINTHINT)
went to catch I AM w xiuhui! omg! i rmb myself in hokkaido when she whatsapp me saying that there is such a show coming up.. like steady only, this xiuhui book this tix exactly at 12 (the moment the tix are on sale!) 
so yeap! WE WENT TO WATCH! before tt, we had thai express! i like leh.. <3 one of the sides is really yummy! will always have stomach for it!

during the show, when i see @ryeong9 cry, i </3.. ok v kua zhang la! hahah.. 
tho we met up for a really short period, but lxh is willing to go catch a show like this w me AFTER WORK, will gan dong one leh! it's like she is tired from work and that she stayed up late to watch this w me! tho i know she wants to see her L also la.. but then, <3 <3 tytytyty!

overall, i still enjoyed it! ~R!

our tix! xiuhui booked one of the best seats! (Y)

one of the sides we ordered at thai express! this is recommended by tps and lxh!


not focused, but we looked gooood!

poor lighting.. but we are shining! :D

forever not in focus!

show gg to start loh!

do you know hw embarrassed we were?!!?!?

lxh and her black black rectangle!

on the 2nd June,
finally went out to shop w amanda! shoes! and i got my body gel from sasa at only $13.90 (U.P $16.90) i love you, gss! <3
we took a train down to DG just for astons instead of walking cos we were super lazy!
I OFFICIALLY DECLARE THAT AMANDA TASTE AND MY TASTE ARE TOTALLY OPPOSITE! i say ugly to ALMOST everything that catches her eyes! omg.. please dont do foolish things like getting tt mustard shoes from rubi please! 

both of us went to find huimin twice, but she wasnt there! not fated. she is not in luck, because she didnt get to see us.. 

after astons, headed down to bugis to shop! at bugis +! the revamped iluma! ok, this bugis+ is much much better than iluma! at least there are food tt looks good and shops that are of our age.. most imptly, sephora is big! :D i can put my sephora membership into good use now! 
ended our day w frolicks! tho the location is in the middle of nowhere, but the seats and umbrella makes me feel like im at a beach! haha!
ohohoh! while walking to the busstop to go bugis, amanda showed me the place "full hse" at hotel rendezvour! we should go there one day tooo!

i think BOTH of us loook really good here! (if only my fringe are 3mm shorter!) :p

i love my sparkling eyes! 
