Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hokkaido Day 1

the pictures will all be jumbled up.. because there are 3 cameras.. i just sort them out by days! there are 4000 plus photos you know! anyway, i will be posting pictures of mainly MYSELF.. well, this is my blog what! hahah..

singapore > haneda > new chitose airport! im in hokkaido!

i really miss hokkaido.. this trip is basically more to sightseeing! not exactly the type of trip tt i enjoy tho.. hmmm.. but well, hokkaido is more to sightseeing.. there is really v little shopping time!
i love the weather there! it is so cold that i talk w smoke coming out.. but i smart alec, i brought nothing but shorts there.. well done tps! 

so basically, there is a little hippcups on the first day since we missed the domestic flight as there is a delay in the first plane.. it's a blessing in disguise afterall because i get to take the pikachu aeroplane instead of the normal small ana plane! yay!

went straight to hell valley! one of the attractions of hokkaido! we climb a long long way to an area where we can soak our feet! it feeels so good to soak our feet in the hot water! 

as we are somewhere in the mountains, there is no shopping! LOL. but it is amazing to see sulphur bubbling hot in the middle of nowhere.. beauty of nature.. 

my popo, mummy and our 6 days driver!

into the water! omg it feels so good!

isnt it cool? it is really wahh to see it w ur own eyes! esp the smoke and the bubbling sound!
if there is hell, it should be like this..
heat, smelly sulphur smell, and bubbling sound!

the onsen sign and the "demon" that guards it! it may look small here but it is really gigantic in real life!

in our own chartered car! #lifeisreallygood

the little pond behind me is boiling at 60deg! omg!

the route tt i climb. it is dirty and messy!

play w chop! now i lost the papers alrdy..

the gigantic table! everything is huge there!

our hotel room!
tatami.. sleep on floor leh! T___T

our dinner! omg! they set up such things in our room swiftly!

so niceeee~

w my popo!

w my mummy!

copycat la me!

milk milk!

our pikachu plane!

i miss their toilet bowl.. they clean our assholes for us..
i love japan's toilet!

the sky is bluer on the other side of the world!

see the smoke!

the very very very sweet girl that set up the tables for us!
at breakfast the next day, she came over to us and wave to us saying that she is the one from last night!
yes! i rmb here! she is really v sweeeet!


didnt get to enjoy the onsen that night because was still pretty shy having to be naked w all the other girls.. hahah.. now i regret.. cos onsen is really LIFE..
dont tell me to fill the bathtub w hot water.. because IT IS DIFFERENT...