Thursday, August 16, 2012

89.7fm supper club and GBTB

(this is my fav pic of the day.) pamela did a great job in positioning the camera!

i will have to skip the morning part since time is not ripe yet to reveal it.. 
straight forward to afternooon. met zhenxing at busstop to pass him the souvenirs i got for him. what magic did army fed him? his muscle is so nicely shaped! not huge like hulk but just nice for the dark tan! the picture will be v nice if a snow white stands beside him! how lovely! wtf, i sound like a pervert right now.. -.-

went down to pasir ris to meet my annchee! we went to trim our fringe together! ((: it feels really good to do such things w a girlfriend. be it salon, shopping, manicure or gossiping! it's really nice to have a close girlfriend like this! <3

slacked around and headed back to meet pamela and eric for dinner.. eric drove. vroom vroom.. it's nice to have someone to drive us around but this slaps me in the face that we have all grown up. public transport is no longer our only option. eric is a v safe driver, unlike my bb. my bb is those chiong kind. like if he signal right, he WANTS to go right. he doesnt wait or give way. and i literally grip on the seatbelt. 
but because of the morning thing, im so tired i just slept in the car. im so tired it took me less than 5 mins to doze off. i must have missed out on their conversation. 
im also too tired to entertain to pamela's eagerness and excitement of riding in eric's car. ):

i have quite a number of friends checking into 89.7 FM supper club. so i tot we can try going there. it's a total disappointment. -.-" the food is not to my liking at all, it is so crowded and wtf, we sat at the smoking area. the service is slow (but on the account that the crowd is huge, i will close an eye). 

me being a smart alec, i suggest playing the "confiscate phone" game.. and all of our phone goes into pamela's bag. i regret suggesting this. im a total phone addict. i felt so lost and down and uneasy throughout the dinner. my annchee didnt have phone to text too, so she camwhore w my camera! HAHAHA! when i got back my phone, it's spammed. -.-" really cannot leave my phone.. it's only a mere an hour plus w/o my phone yet im barely surviving. 
after dinner, ericT introduce us to some chocolate thing. but it's dark choco. :/ the sweetness level is not enough! T_T

having a long day, i tot it's time to go home after dinner. but e night is still early for the 3 of them. so the final verdict is to go down to GARDENS BY THE BAY.. as usual, i fell asleep again. i was greeted w singapore's skyline when i open my eyes again. pamela is our GPS. annchee and i cant really read maps. we finally reached after making a detour. it's nice but skylines and trees doesnt really attract me much. no aircon somemore. i admit im a materialistic woman, shopping excites me more. the lights are nice la, but then again, all the supertrees looked the same to me..................... plus im alrdy super drained out. 

dropped me off at my hse first before sending the other two girls home! it would be a nice night out if not for the morning thing that drained my energy too much. i whine a lot but yeah, i still enjoy their company. not many people out there is like me where they still keep in touch w their primary school friends. but i did and im proud of it (:

with our new fringes! (:

the supertree... pamela is good at photography!

my duffy look so sad to be away from me ):


love this photo exceptionally. but it will be better if im staying inside tt building.. ):
i lost a chance.... (if you read my twitter..) sigh! shall not dwell on it anymore..

free to camwhore until an idiot man came to sit behind us.. -.-" there is so many seats yet he sat behind us.. tmd

happy camwhoring! that's what we are best at!

after tt man sit behind us -.-"
soft focus makes us look exceptionally goood!

no phone.... so snap snap lohh!

i wanna caption this "toothy smile" until i see annchee without her teeth ):

walao i stand like aunty like tt.....

us camwhoring while the man does his job and QUEUE up!

i really v auntish...

we like those xmm ahlian go toilet take photo like tt..

for dark choco lovers w lower sweetness level. 

i look really short here. how can my whole body length be this much only?!?!?!!? T__T
but it's still a nice shot! <3