Friday, December 9, 2011

Already Famous + 85

hello! im done with the LAST MST in my life.. idk if i should be happie or not.. im prolly gg to be ashamed of myself after getting back the papers.. ): ah, heck, it's over anyway.. no point crying over spilled milk.. might as well go NTUC buy new milk better right? *optimistic*

well, so after MST, huimin, jiahui, kengling, xiuhui, yuya and ME went to catch ALREADY FAMOUS.. the journey was rather epic, it was like we were on a race to see which is the earliest timeslot and the only transportation is MRT! there wasnt a timeslot whr we can fit the movie and the free starbucks tgt! so we search the entire singapore movie theatre for a suitable timeslot. then we cant find any.. we settled for vivo's 440pm movie though! but when we have decided on it, we were alrdy at rafflesplace! :O so we made a U-turn!
then i started complaining how hungry i was! i woke up at 945 and drank one mouth of milo.. so hungry tt im gg to die..
at vivo, none of the girls wan to accompany me take photos w ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS! )))): so i take alone, like sad only.. see my awkward smile below! cos thr a kid's taking photo w it too.. LOL. any kind soul wan to watch ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS 3 with me??? lonely soul here wants to watch leh!

wahh im getting really detailed. im bored and i wan to type ma! time not up to go out yet! pls skip this entire chunk and scroll down for the pictures! *wink*

den finally go buy our food! actually we were all pretty hungry lor, not me only.. den went to giant to buy chips for movie later! and my pink dolphin(: afterwhich we went to lepak outside vivo awhile den we go for movie lo! the movie was 2 hours long.. we were 4th row from the front.. my neck.. our necks.. i find some parts of the movie funny leh!
then xiuhui was like saying "xiao gui will say 你可以当我生命中的女主角啊" then the next sentence xiaogui says was really that! the entire chunk tt xiaogui says was rather touching leh! his confession, even though it is only reading from the script, but still very touching leh.. i will marry the one on the spot that says tt to me leh. even if it's through the phone, still very AHHHHH best confession ever! no flowers no fanciful gifts, just sincerity! <3
*back to reality* no one will so mushy and say that.. fairytale dream broken..):

after the movie, we went to 85 MARKET for bakchormeeeee! craves! we ordered bakchormee each, 2 stingrays (v hot!), satays, ngor hiung( im correct this time), orh luat and sugarcanes! we were so hungry that we didnt take pictures of all the food.. forever hungry.. i like the "ambiance" at 85 despite crowded, bbq smell, stuffy, hot, nt v clean.. i dont need fine dining (maybe once in a while is good though). just at places like 85, with my friends, still feeling v comfortable (': eh wait, im a singaporean wad.. wad u expect me to eat? -.- idk why am i explaining this also..

after tt, it was rather late considering the girls live at places like woodlands, bukitpanjang and clementi.. so we headed homeeee!
occasionally, inter-clique outing like this is healthy too! ((: alright, from being early, im running late now.. haven start preparing.. :O
so enjoy the pictures!

erm, the pictures are of really bad quality.. bad lighting + use front camera.. but still can make up who is who.. enjoyyy!
ohhh the video at the last is really random.. JUST SAYING HI!

it's 9th dec 2011, our ahtiong gang's zhenxing go army alrdy! one less supper kaki! )))))): anyway, take care and protect our nation! (: