Wednesday, December 21, 2011

my BFFAW idawati (: my STEADY annchee (:

im back again. i went to funan mall the other day with mummy to send my laptop for repair. they say my laptop is physical damage and is not covered under warranty. WTH! ): but they still send e request. if approved, i will only have to pay $150.. otherwise $800+. might as well get new laptop! *puff*
but the guy at counter 4 is quite handsome. like really decent looking. way better den 653! SOMPA. so trust my taste ok girls. ok, i bet the girls in my class no longer trust my taste after i show them 653 ):
so fujitsu girls, pls spoil ur laptop asap and send for repair! ask me along too! cos i wasnt really paying attenting to my counter2 girl. my eyes kept swaying away! :p but i still asked qns abt my laptop okay!
dont judge me. which girl doesnt look at handsome ones? you do too alright!
anyway, 2-3 weeks later, im gg to receive a phone call, approved or not, will let you know again! ((:

right, so recently, i've been msging with my annchee! <3! and her msg really meltzxc me! look at the screenshot below!! seriously, how to not love this woman? at tt instant when i receive the msg, i hope i was a guy. so tt i can protect her and love her w all my life! but but but, we can be lifelong BFF <3 can totallly feeel her love lor!
no amount of words can describe how much i loved her! muackmuack! i love you steady! i know u will read this!
ohhohh, in my previous post, i said peabrain was awesome. I WANT TO TAKE BACK MY WORDS. angrybird lor. WHATEVER I AM GG TO SAY BELOW IS JUST A JOKE (except peabrain is really a peabrain!). pls dun criticize me or whatsoever. all internal jokes nia hor.
i have been telling peabrain to choose one of my girls so tt when they marry i can save angbao $.. so this time, he wan me to choose his guys so he can save angbao money. super copycat. den i asked him to give me and ryeowook (superjunior member) <-- i told you it is all internal joke. dun roll eyes at me..
and you look at his reply! smelly peabrain! i hope all ur wives leaves you!

went back to school ytd for proj (again). bet 4 of us had phobia of school! ): but nvm, we managed to survived through 3 terms, no reason why we cant survive 1 last term! jiayou! after being pretty serious and got things done pretty quickly, my BFFAW and i started a bit of camwhoring!

it's super unfair! my front camera damn blur while ida's front camera damn clear! why like tt!

i love pretty photos! esp last third photo! we did the same action! i love pictures where we do same pose or same facial expression! damn cute!

the video was damn lame! this ida called me a MISTER! omg. ohh. i was called "ah boy" by one aunty when i wanted to buy my lunch. then in the video, ida introduce me as MR.. omggggggg. im called a boy twice a day. my long hair doesnt show tt im a girl???? ))):

maybe i should put more blusher! (just kidding)