Thursday, December 15, 2011

when CHAPALANG things come tgt!

life have been rather hectic for me these few days! will be over real soon! <3 jiayou peoplee! do not want to elaborate much but these few days are contributing to my memories too..

recently, i went for my jab. and my arm is still aching! ): even carrying laptop is a chore! haih! the doctor is funny though, he kept saying well done puaysee while the needle is still in me.. den he even ask me not to look at the needles! i almost want to cry out when he took out the needles. is super pain. not trying to be funny here, u go try tt needle urself! after that, he asked if i wan a cartoon plaster or a normal one.. i told him "the normal ones are fine" with the -.- face..

i need some shopping! it's been some time since i go in and out of the shops to look at things! ): #nolife i love shopping but i hate to carry the things. is SUPER HATE tt kind.. if only doremon exist, and he may bring some helper into my life..

haven been able to sleep well these few nights.. kept sleeping at timing like 4am.. was bored and was doing some day dreaming.. if only i have super steady, forever bored, forever suffering from insomnia friends.. then i can text/call/twitter/fb saying IM BORED. den super steady go out chill/supper at 3am in the night. i dun mind walking leh! so long as got people accompany me! heeee. forever insomnia friends, whr r u?
i rmb my first insomnia, i can even create a whole story and text peabrain.. tsk. den end up he slping like some PIG.. idiot, den when im slping he reply say "nice story!" id10t!

ok la, nth much abt my life alrdy. next week will be more happening I GUESS.

there are some inspiring picture, some happie picture, some saddening pictures, some fun moments, and some super lame pictures below.
my ANNCHEE whatsapp me this picture. i dun quite understand wad tt orange thing was until i read the words. then i smiled. true, i will have to pick myself up and carry on.. no one is gg to die without me. no one is gg to stop smiling without me. the sun will still rise from the east and fall from the west. nothing will change. if i dun move on in life, i will nvr enter a new chapter so as to end with a "happily ever after".
even in fairytales, happily ever after only happens after all the dramas.

i am able to type this entire chunk of words, it is all up to me to practise wad i preach now.. (:

alright, this screenshot really makes me :D IM NOT SHORT. (proven) heeheehee! peabrain is AWESOME for once! :D
if u are thinking im trying to take a picture of the date or the PAUSE/BREAK, u are WRONG! MY LAPTOP CRACKED! super sad. ):
chanced upon this picture on facebook! HAHAHAH! i was like OMGGGG! it's damn cool! good things must share!

went out for dinner w family during the weekends! we tried the suki-ya. it's 19.90++/person. buffet. ok la.. 19.90 cnt expect so much right.. the cheesemeatball scalded my brother!

my brother REFUSED to take photo with me ))))):

then the next day or smth, we went to send our cousin off! she gg korea to climb mountain -.-" at swensens! my brother STILL REFUSED to take photo w me! )))):
look at the photo below! my hair loook like gt white hair! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

highlight of the day! ICE-cream! ice-cream just makes me happie! :D

FOC aangry bird. nt a fan of angrybird. but i describe my feelings by saying "super angrybird now" or "angry like an angrybird now" when im angry! HAHAH

curled my hair recently temporary. hahah! it went straight again after i wash my hair. hahah! i even thought of curling my hair for cny. like new hairstyle.. but after tt few hours, i backed out. the curl is nice but i look like aunty. why like tt?! ):

it's okay. done w blogging. promised to be back asap!
im tired of blogging leh.. wad if i close my blog.. JK!