Saturday, January 14, 2012

cny shopping w AMANDA!

hello hello! im back again! ((:
so, went to meet amanda at ion todayy! we took the same train but were in different cabin! :O so not fated! but anyway! we went to "the little things she need" to shop for shoessss! amanda KIV-ed a pair of heels but didnt want to buy cos it is not cheap! so we went to fareast to shoppp! i guess we were too early, not many shops are open ): den dun have my favourite korea melon icecream somemore ! then got one guy giving out flyers! amanda took it.. and i told her "YOU SEE HIM HANDSOME DEN U TAKE ONE RIGHT!" hahahah! amanda said he got height, he gt nice voice, but nvr see face.. i nvr notice height cant hear voice, but saw face! SO he got height, nice voice and handsome face!
after tt, we went down to cathy to have our astons! while queueing up for astons, gt one guy look out.. den he talk to his friends, den look out again.. tsk. see wad see.. feel like gorging out their eyes. then suay suay sit beside their table! we know we pretty right, no need see until like tt..
anyway! foood came w OUR favourite POTATO SALAD! yummm! after tt, we bus down to bugis! continue w our shopping! got a pair of heels at $15. dirt cheap! lacy somemore! but the crowd was HORRBILE! squeeeeze is the way to survive.
after tt, walk down to marina sq den to suntec! amanda took a pair of purple heels. i was like OMG SO UGLY! den she slip her foot into it and i was like OMG SO PRETTY! fickle-minded! but it was not cheap! and purple is a very NOT REALISTIC colour! as a friend, i gave her a neutral opinion! DUN BUY! so we headed back to ion to buy her nude heels and the stripe wedges! before tt, we went to buy the pizza like bread! IT WAS AWESOME! tt's my dinner! #verypoorthing!
walked to 313 to walk.. OUR LEGS DAMN PAIN! we were thinking how good it will be if SOMEONE is there to talk the things for us! sigh amanda, luggage more practical! let's be independent!
said bybye to her at cityhall!

amanda makes a great shopping partner!

my chargrill!

i love how my eyes are! reflective!
amanda commented tt she can see herself in my eyes!
see my bling bling eyes.. i nvr wear contacts hoh.. i gt attractive eyes..
ok ignore me pls..

if you read till this, im thankful for ur time. hence, i got something to say.. recently, i receive a call from fujitsu. and they inform me tt im able to bring my laptop down for service! YAY! tt means i can get my laptop repaired and i can see mr counter4! this also means tt i wun be blogging w pictures till my laptop returns! meanwhile, if you die die die must see me or if u miss me till u feel like plucking out all ur hair, pls go fb/twitter! <3
hope he is working tml! im gg down tml !