Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the DRAGON year!

im back to talk abit about my chinese new year! pls be interested! cos im taking the effort to blog about it!
yeap, so before i start on anything, R is here to wish all of you HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR w me! :D

so on cny ever, i went shopping w mummy! finally bought the nail glitter! not cheap but it looks damn awesome on my fingers!
i swear it is 10x more glittery in real life.. ok, u can blame my phone. but i say first ar, if u blame, you are offending the entire iphone4 population *smirk* :D

yeapp, so reunion dinner blah blah, i went home to rest do mask and everything la.. taking the cny as an excuse to be an ultimate bimbo! ((:
then before the clock strike twelve, daddy came into the room and say "xiao mei, happy new year!" *pass angbao" win, im called xiaomei! -__________-"
den mummy passed me hers! YAY! two angbaos!

day 1:
prepare prepare and went to popo hse! ((: gong xi fa cai ard collect angbao, den hide in room. also known as the escape cave! camwhore w my cousin!

i have a smally family. (: i love it small. (: small and cosy. (: most imptly, i dun have to rmb too many names! yay! juz 2 cousins + me and my bro! awesomeness!

after tt, went over to another grandma hse.. also camwhore w my another cousin. there only gt 1 girl and e rest are all guys. at least gt one girl to camwhore w me.. if not, i probably will juz die from boredom!
damn! but seriously, IM DAMN BORED THERE. cos im not really close w them and we dun have a common topic to talk about. but her boyfriend is one romantic chap. i heard tt the way he gave my cousin's mum e first impression is tt he acted as a deliveryman and send a bouquet of flowers. he didnt allow the maid to sign the form and insisted that my aunt goes down to sign it. awww. den she called my cousin and my cousin introduced her boyfriend to her mum! omg, tt's really an awesome plan. but my another aunt say "if is me, i will chase the guy off. wun allow my girl to date a deliveryman" WTH, spoiler leh! but i burst out laughing! HAHAHA my aunt damn not romantic! LOL!
then my cousin asked me if i gt a bf. same qns tt i have to answer everytime i meet her. i always say no and she forever dont believe.

dinner dinner! den slack ard w my cousins. they simply refused to take photos w me! guys are always guys. >:(

after tt, went to my mum's classmate hse to bai nian! omg her daughter damn pretty! mix malay and chinese. DAMN PRETTY! even im captivated by her beauty! my height, slim, long wavy hair, and typical pretty mixed face, fair fair. damn (Y). but the son is short tho he not bad looking.

after tt, went back to my popo hse to play mahjong. monkey has no luck no money no honey this year. so i lost $35 in the mahjong. damn. nevertheless. had fun!

day 2:
happie birthday popo! <3 thanks for tolerating my xiao jie pi qi. i know im damn demanding sometimes and i always insist on what i want. but still, u never fails to satisfy my wants. you wake me up in the morning, prepare my meals, took care of me. before i slept last night, i went into ur room to wish u. in the dark room, i see ur wrinkles, and i realised u have really aged throughout the years.
im sorry if im impatient sometimes, im sorry if i get frustrated when i pms. but you always forgive me within a few minutes.
thanks popo, i know i cant live w/o you. idk hw to take care of myself alone! so pls be healty like u are now okay! i love you popo!

woke up late. i haven even done preparing and the relatives start coming. my eyeliner draw halfway. make me ganchiong only. -.-" the QUESTION OF THE YEAR pop again. got boyfriend a not? now so pretty.. <-- i swear i nt bhb, is my relative trying to por me by saying i pretty. (shiok leh, ppl say i pretty) ;P i answered no and smiled. then they continued, " then bring home next year and collect angbao from us!" LOL. seriously? am i supposed to be attached at this age???

time passes really quickly and it's dinner time! went to city square mall momijji jap buffet! ((: my bro and i and my two cousins say cnt stop. muz keep eating. e first to stop eating muz finish the bowl of udon. damn im so full tt i can explode. so i kept saying IM DRINKING! *sipping*.

say byebye and went home.. here i am, typing away!

fyi, i have been driving ard these three days. drive in my heels, drive in my flats. but made quite a no of misstakes tho! HAHAHA. daddy still says tt im a dangerous driver!>:(
my cousins and my brother!
my vainpot cousin!
yes, we v hiao! im hiao and i know it.
quite pretty right us?
thanks to the apps multi-lens, arbo idk how many pic will i be uploading!
love this pic most! ((:
our dresses!
i wore black dress on the first and second day!
first day is the above one, more straight cut and like more stylish.
second day is lacy and flowy, more to girly and bimbo.
my another cousin! she and her bf damn sweet and she is 1 yr younger than me. at this rate, im gg to be an old spinster. idw leh, like tt how i have children to marry my fil's children!?

yes i know i damn wuliao!
i love this wecam app too!
i think is effect v dreammyyy
the TANs.
love my cny pics, cos my eyeliner makes my eyes look big.
ok ppl, makeup are always deceiving. im sorry for lying to u all. but rest assure, i dun photoshop my pic.
another thing tt make my picture looks like i hav flawless skin is tt i use the front camera. low resolution. HAHAHA. im sorry to disappoint u if u see me face to face w my pimples, pores, wrinkles, redness and blemishes
second day loh!
my bro damn cute!
the app again. and i say the chioest get the center part!
we siao again!
sanyee, xinyi, xiaoyee and me!
xiao yee, she stayed w me for my entire 19 going 20 years. she erase my hmwk (in pri school) if my handwriting i atrocious. so i have nice handwriting now.
she helped me w my problem sums, i always gt praised by my tcher.
she helped me w my compo, so i gt perfect grammar.
she never fails to pay for my wants.
we pillow fight till i fall aslp sometimes <3
my sanyee v cute! she helps me w all the application to schools. <3 w/o her, i wun know hw to register myself into a school. yes, im tt stupid.
she never fails to give us angbao w many $, birthday angbao w many $, xmas w many $.
even if she gt makeup stuff oso will share w us. we acted like we are friends rather than aunt and niece! <3
we gt nth to do cos we waiting to go into the restaurant.

heeeheeeheee i gt a pic of my bro!

yes i really know we v hiao!
the camera shy guys!
the food tt my bro toook!
signing off w our big eyes!

off to count angbao money loh! ((: $___$ (v money faced)
thanks for reading ((: