Sunday, January 8, 2012

last day of 2011

31Dec2011 last day of the year.. i tried my best to keep myself occupied. (: and im pretty pleased w my performance that day. (not those performing on stage hoh) *stage fright*

morning - accompany my family to IKEA for meatballs den to COURTS to choose sofa.. i drove there.. den my daddy says i deteriorate a lot. i cannot even make a u-turn without cutting another lane.. -.-" daddy says im a reckless driver, mummy says her heart stopped throughout the journey..only my grandma gave me encouraging comments lor. love my popo most <3 and cos of that, they say they wun let me drive alone! TT_TT WIN! wad is the point of getting my license now................ ._.
im a pretty good driver I THINK.. muz continue to drive. cos i doubt my hubby will be rich enough to hire a chauffeur for me.. but i guess we should be able to save enough for a car! it is ok if he doesnt drive manual, cos he die oso have to buy auto.. my license only allow me to drive auto.. i should bookmark this page and show him in future. *hint hint*

afternoon - i went home i wash up slp a while and prepare to meeet my sweetheart and 2armyboys for countdown! i think im v lazy. meet them i know i wun take photo so i didnt bother to even apply bb cream, didnt comb my hair (straight neat hair den T_T), den wait for calls to go down!
not long after, B called, so i went down. vroooom we reach KX hse really fast, she set up the mahjong table alrdyyy! (: (feel v spoilt, i miss the days when we have to catch the bus, now all vroom vroom alrdy)
after a while aunty uncle go out, so the entire hse is ours! heh! i was losing $$ the entire afternoon.. lost up to $20+.. den last game before we break off for steamboat, i won! MUAHAHAH! but still negative. so dc, after dinner muz continue..
at dinner, the two armyboys become our chef! open the can, cut the ingredients, start the charcoal and almost everything. feeel really blessed lor! they makes really good friend, boyfriend, hubby. i took the good friend space alrdy. i wonder which 2 lucky girls can fill the slots. (: wad me and kx do is to fool around! we walk ard them, boss them ard, den act one supervisor. kx said smth damn epic (act one supervisor) "oi zw! *smack him* got wash hand wash feet wash body a not?" HAHAHA. FAIL LA BABE!
after a while kx and i tired alrdy. so we sat down like a boss den now we act one children. we take the fork and spoon and bang the table and say WE WANT FOOD WE WANT FOOD! haha
food is here! love steamboat. i v dirty and disgusting one. i love sharing saliva w my friends. feels v F.A.M.I.L.Y (:
chop chop after dinner, helped out in washing the dishes! den MAHJONG AGAIN!
my lady luck decided to follow me now and i kept winning! overall, i won $42.60! yay! ((:
as we on the tv quite loud, we can hear the countdown. at "zero" we said HAPPY NEW YEAR den act one shake hand (they v friendly).. den few mins later i say GAME! (they all stared at me) tsk.. losers leh u all! haha anyway yay! it took us duno how long to play only 2 rounds.. LOLOLOL! we noooobies!
im happy and occupied w mahjong that day. i didnt had time to think of anything else.. well done tps! (:

this is my new sofa! will arrive in apr! throwing away the sofa tt you have sat before. *laughs*
didnt abide to the rule, i still on the camera function! HAHAH!
prawns! was so happie no vege!
next, i saw this -.-"
4 ppl share one abaloneeeeee.

i had one of the best countdowns. no crowds, no squeezing, no rushing. just w the company of the 3 of them, i feel tt my life is complete.