Monday, February 13, 2012

bellabox FEB

there are 3 phrases that i esp like in the song and they are
i. 後悔的最笨的是我
ii. 失去你 我丟了所有
iii. 從今以後 我是新的我

(i went to youtube to find the lyric hoh)

yeap! this is the song tt is on replay and replay and replay. i just find it really addictive! <3 when is the last song tt makes me replay a song like this?
i think if you read my blog, you are:
1. concern for me
2. wants to know more about me
3. in love with me
4. stalking me
so, whatever the reason is, you have to listen to this song because im in love with this song.

while listening to this song, you can read below loh!

it is FEB! <-- now tt im 20, i still cant spell this month -.-" im forever relying on microsoft word to spell feb for me! i love you bill gates! im deadshit without you <3
it's the month of LOVE. yeap! L.O.V.E
can you feel the love???

had my last presentation in sch this morning! it went perfectly I THINK.. i think the guys did a really awesome job! freaking proud of them! im trembling even just clicking the slides! haha!
will elaborate more i guess IN THE NEXT FEW POST..
because if i were to elaborate now, i would not have answered the title of the post!

after my presentation, went to have my jab again. i feel like im there for the doctor to abuse me ): i feel the needle. it's painful now too. yes, injections are my fear. i held onto my tears! but when i reach home and see my grandma, the tears just fell. yes it is that painful! )': and i am tt pampered.

so after bathing, i fell aslp.. and around 4, the postman freaking shout my name like i owe him money! my bro being really nice, see me just had my jab and tt im napping, he sign the parcel for me! it is the BELLABOX!

the theme for the month is SHARE THE LOVE. wahhh our class's facebook group name! (Y)
must share the love with me okay human beings!

i rotated the pic. dun ask me why it turn out like this.. twist your head! ((:
i kinda like the "belif" sebum! the smell doesnt have any xfactor but it doesnt leave any sticky feel behind! unlike the za moisturizer, i feel oily after applying it! so i guess i can consider tt when im done w my za and hada labo!
im fickle minded like this! i change things faster than you use ur tissue paper! :p

in case you miss me!
p/s: i have tons of photos to blog but i dun have the energy and time to!