Wednesday, February 15, 2012

happy vday'12

hello girls and boys! how's your vday? i hope the hole burnt on the pocket aint too big!
it's a once a year event right.
i know ppl says that everyday can be vday.. BUT, there must be a reason for 14feb!
so, still must cherish the day more than ever!

well, if 2012 is really the end of the world, this will be the last vday! :O anyway, since this is also the last year im in poly (argh, really hate all this last time last time thing but it is really the last time) and im feeling rich, so went down candylicious to get the class lollipops! (:
each stick cost $8! chill chill! wait for me to finish my story larh! but due to some promotions, each stick is gg at $2! so i've saved $120 actually! wow!

i hope the class love it! just a little thing from me to you! (: i hope u all think of me when you see it or eating it! ((:
you have to be happy while eating it cos the slogan is EAT HAPPY! ((:
i love the happy colors!
was browsing at yuya's blog and i saw the post on it! wahhhhhh! i smiled as i read the paragraph of words! so i tot i should appreciate her effort of posting by posting what she posted. (wahhh tongue twister)
im e little sunshine in her life.. hahahah..

yeap, on vday, afternoon was pretty bad due to some reasons.. i do not wish to elaborate much about it!
but i received several msg tt makes me smile, or literally LOL! i woke up to several vday msges and i feel the love immediately!
this peabrain actually wished me "xin nian kuai le. gong xi fa cai. wan shi ru yi" when i asked him to wish me.. tsk! i forget to screenshot and the convo went quite up alrdy.. lazy find! >:|

anyway, im posting two screenshots! one made me LOL another one makes me WAHHHH.. hahah!
#1 you see this sweet girl jiaqi! she replied to my whatsapp almost immediately saying tt she is willing to be my valentine! NO HESITATION! <3 my love for you jiaqi! <3 <3 <3 im still saying the same few words, "you know i really do love you right! muackks!"

#2 omg! this kaikeng makes me WAHHHH! firstly, he called me "ke ai de pei si" which means puaysee is cute! <3 love him lar! my secondary sch didi! yes we tt lame right in the past! the korkor jiejie didi meimei generation! HAHAH! im his jiejie! <3
another thing is tt he say "yes i do" hahah! say till im proposing to him like tt! LOLOLOL!
omg i swear this jakie loo is damn cute! he nvr fails to wish me merry xmas or happy cny. so i tot it will be nice of me to wish him happy vday! so i wished.. and this is wad he says! LOL! i laughed out loud! omg he cant differentiate rose and tulip! HAHAHA! i pity his future gf.. imagine his gf asking for a stalk of rose and he comes back with tulip and the reason he gave is tt he cant differentiate!
but appreciate this thought! he is the first on whatsapp to give me flower! <3 season of love, no goofing around!

at night about 10+ im lazing around on the sofa when my baobei elton called. and i think he driving cos he talk damn fast.. i didnt manage to catch the entire sentence and he put down the phone alrdy.. but being a smart one, i mange to make out what he is trying to say..

not long after he said he reach liao and ask me to go down! he damn bastard, he say until like a lot ppl come like tt den im in my pj.. -.- i almost say idw go down.. decided tt no harm so i went. end up he alone sitting there w my present! yay to present! i feel quite guilty cos i didnt prepare any for him ( NO INTENTION TO MEET HIM WHAT! so impromptu)

anyway, chat chat chat.. chat like those void deck aunty uncle like tt.. i love friends like that! steady like tt, one call den out of hse! in pj, messy hair and no make up at all! tt is a plus point for having a male good friend.. there wun be comments like "AIYO! why your complexion so bad" *punch you*
ohoh!!! i swear simsimi is damn cute!
not i say one hoh, is simsimi say you noob one! not me :D :D :D
the flowery paper bag!
oh yeah! im doing a post with you as the highlight leh.. cos im like showing him the post yuya wrote and i say im so happy and that i am going to post about it.. and he actually say smth like i write abt yuya nvr write about him! OMG, 5 year old xdd! <-- he claimed tt . nt me!
heh! i love the teddy box! <3 <3 <3
the handmade cookies! i didnt know he can bake! ((: worthy to be my baobei! <3 but bro, go easy on the sugar! but evey bite can feeel the awesome love!
but frankly speaking, idk wad i do to deserve such an awesome friend! quite touched by his thought of giving these pieces of cookies to me! im feeling quite guilty for nt preparing anything for him. ): i think i have done a million good deed/charity in my past life!

why one woman can only get married to to man? if i can have a lot of husbands, i will marry all my guys friends over man.. dun bear to give any of them away to other girls (im selfish like tt but im just kidding!) so long as they can find their true love and they are happy, im happy!

i have a great vday except for the afternoon incident.