Friday, February 24, 2012

DAC Farewell Day 2012

hello! as you can see from the blog title and the picture above, i guess you can make out what this post is about right..
ok, i know im an idiot to be blogging about this now.. cos this event happened on the 8th of feb!

this event was held on wednesday! AND i dont intend to go to sch.. it is rather stupid for me to go down from bedok to dover to attend such a thing right.. HOWEVER, i got proj meeting on tt day.. so i went down.. and im glad i did.. (:
oh ya.. tt was the LAST proj meeting tt day! ((((: no words can describe how much we all suffered over proj.. not my grp only, i mean EVERY GROUP! but we did it.. we overcame it (:

after that we went to the dac farewell day.. dac dac dac.. wad exactly is DAC? it stands for Diploma in ACcountancy.. yeap, this event was pretty well-planned and i think i enjoyed myself too! got games, got attractive prizes, got food..

they started off with the videos.. and i realised tt actually my class did create some memories. not a lot but have la.. gt BBQ, chalet, ONOW volunteering work, birthday celebrations, wear-sec-sch-uniform day, etc.. <3 yeap, along the 3 years, we do have differences, unhappiness and difficulties (which class doesnt have anyway).. but no matter is it resolved or wad, it is over.. (:

looking at the photos from year 1 and now, everyone grew.. be it physically, appearance or mentally, i wish everyone all the best <3 after 28th feb (last paper), i think the next time dac02 gets together will be 23rd may.. graduation day.. actually quite sad to hear tt but it is not easy to get everyone on e same day.. esp when ppl are gg back to their hometown, work, holidays, busy, etc.. not easy.. but if there is a will, there is a way! and, there is SHARE THE LOVE on facebook! keep it active people! (:

back to topic, after the videos, we played some game.. (: the lecturers were steady leh! (Y)
role playing starts after that! thanks god our class got couple! if not .... (Y)

after all the activities, buffet time! ok la.. refreshment only la~ our class tt two guys quite gentlemen! they offered to take drinks for the girls :D very goood!

ok, i know.. only these ppl turn up for the event for our class! but you cant blame those who didnt turn up.. cos it is on wednesday..
the pretty doorgift!
this picture got story one! do you know tt there is only ONE pink frame in my class and I GOT IT!
<3 PINK!
i got blue at first.. then i aunty, i went down to the front of the lecture hall w the girls and our chairman TO CHANGE.. *insist on pink tt i dun care if i throw face*
MLT 8.. the place tt we used to gather for the first day of orientation and for lectures and now, farewell..
time really flies.. i really quite she bu de..
we used to say tt the back seats are the "premium seats" and it cost more!
(opposite from concerts where e front ones are more valuable)
actually we gt the center seat! BUT THEY GT MAP OUT.. and dac02 gt shifted to the corner!
*unfair much*
i know photos are all jumbled up.. but yeap, a picture w our year 2 TAXATION 1&2 Lecturer and Tutor.. i think FACC oso he teach one.. memory failing on me but nvm..
some of the lecturers tt taught me..
the one w blue scarf - edna soo (the sylish stylo milo one)
the one w blue polo tee - kong yuen ho (also the planner of this event)
the one in black polo tee - robert tan (THANKS FOR UR IAP)
the tallest tcher - neo chip chuan (thanks to huimin, i see him i think of kungfu panda)
the one in jacket - tan yen yen (AFA.. the helpful one)
the seating plan .___.
first few to reach so we must take photo!
actually, only these two ladies are coming for this event.. they heng we turn up if nt they have to perform~!
while the two guys are doing their ppt slides #1
while the two guys are doing their ppt slides # 2
dont pout!
the blurry shot tt makes everyone exceptionally pretty! (even tho we know we are!)
happy w my PINK FRAME!
the ONLY pic whr everyone is in e pic! (':
shirin! the one tt always call me THE NOISY GIRL! im quiet and decent!
mages! i look short here -.-"
shirin wanted to take w ida.. but the rest of us photobombing them! :D
ending w another shot!
thanks for the memories ........ <3
credits to DAC CHAPTER