Saturday, April 28, 2012

advance bday celebration for my fav ANQI

hi there!
on the 25th of april, we did a secret meet up to celebrate for anqi! after the previous outing w my fils, nick, huijun and i started to think abt wad to do for anqi's bday! but nick did ALL the planning and buying of gifts!  i only answered his call while he reads out all the song names of the cd and tell nick wad to type to the msg to lie to anqi! WHITE LIE!

grateful to nick! without him, this celebration will not be a success!

met up w anqi first and trained down to cityhall. i told a lie saying tt nick will be late blah blah blah. im so afraid anqi will see thru my lies but she didnt! shopped shopped shopped!

i think i shocked anqi by buying an item after she goes into the fitting room for a while. but it was a very pretty peachy ribbon belt tt cost only $5! how to not buy?! my 3 fils all agree tt it was a good buy and that the belt was nice!

finally received nick's msg! i was so afraid tt anqi saw tt im msging nick can.. and im so afraid tt i missed his sms/call tt i kept holding onto my phone *stress* but very very very glad that anqi didnt smell anything fishy!
at diva, nick suddenly psst at me.. then i faster go out and hide w them and wait for anqi to finish shopping in the shop to surprise her w the 21st balloon, gifts and cake!

the surprise is a success!!

headed straight to hotpot culture! yum yum yum! i shall not disclose e topic of our convo! :p
when we are ready for the cake, the staff there stopped the music and played the happy birthday song! the song shocked us! totally unexpected! hahaah. we are so shocked tt we duno how to react. 

huijun suggest sharing the cakes w the table behind us as they are celebrating for bday too. but the Y chromosomes are not handsome so we didnt do tt. we gave the extras to the staff there. hahaha. 

this silly girl anqi are near to tears when reading the card written by nick! hahaha. my first reaction is I NO TISSUE!!!!

home sweet home after tt as nick and huijun had work the next day! it was a short 3.5 hours, but it was the company tt matters! how much i love them? i started counting down from day 6! hahaha! 

our togetherness are unexpected but our future are expected cos we are going to be in laws in future! (:

the cake from polar! it was nice except the red writings!

the balloon!
the ppl at the background are the grp tt i mentioned above abt having a bday celebration too.

the gifts and card!

i find this card really pretty!
this card got long story one. 
nick bought the card, pass to huijun secretly, then pass back to me, then nick come my hse downstairs to get the card back.
secret mission!

the pretty inside!

the files and cd!

caught in action! hahah!

w the birthday girl! <3

nick and huijun!

my chicken broth! 
the soup taste really good at the end of the day!

my fil <3

my huijun fil! <3

my nick fil <33

my anqi fil <33

i took myself and tt explains my bigger head!

my hair accessories for the day!
got it from h&m! nice nice?

round 1
no pic for round 2 and 3 and 4
too busy w the foood!

must take photo even if is the same position!
if you sit beside me, be prepared to take photo w me. 
if you want to take photo, sit w me. 

walked over to take photo!!

ice lemon tea. not beeer!

bday girl w huijun! <3

birthday girl w nick <3

my favorite people~

end off w chocolate fondueeeee! <3

anqi nvr took into the camera! ):

 she looked after i gave her the ):

huijun serving us! ((:

i think anqi eat dao the bitter plastic taste  words so the face!

at the toilet!
i said "say cheeese" to loudly tt nick from the gents replied "CHEESE"

huijun huijun huijun!



we are in pink~

i hate it tt my fringe covers my eyes! -.0
gg to salon soon!


on the humanless escalator!

i like nick's eyes here!

i 24/7 camera ready!

w my girls!

happy shot <3