Thursday, April 26, 2012


met up with ida on tuesday! we had shokudo! I HAVE FINALLY STEPPED MY FOOT INTO SHOKUDO! the food is GOOD! 

we ordered
- fried ebi stone rice set
- cheesy mushroom pizza
- takoyaki
- mango dessert

you pay for the quality! considering there are scallops, mushrooms, 3 big prawns, pizza and dessert, i would say it is pretty affordable! i would definitely go back there again!
brought my littlepink out! ida is my first friend tt sees it! ((:

walked around 313, orchard central, H&M and taka! bought my shorts at $17.90 only! it was raining but we shop around (partly for shelter)! when the rain subside, we continued walking in the open! 

WHEN IS THE LAST TIME I SAW IDA!? (when ida and gq come my hse to visit me!) about a month ago! :O time really flies! even tho it was torturing, but i kinda miss the time we gather tgt to eat, do proj, overnight stays, outings, etc! ((: my BFFAW!

the crust is so thin that it is actually quite crispy! the mushroom look dry, but trust me, it is JUICY. 

they fried it! it's crispyyy!!!! they sprinkle little shrimps on it! and 5 balls for only $3.20!

happy ida!

happy me!

this is the stone rice set! omg i took this w my littlepink! it's so clear! i like the angle i took w too! it's nice!
the vege at the corner sucks! 
ida forced me to eat, i ate a mouth or two and i gave up!
vege lover like ida finds it disgusting too!
but the scallop is really gooood! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
not forgeting the rice and fried ebi in the stone bowl! perfect meal!
but do the same thing as me and ida do, order a thing each so you can try out more things!
if not, you will have to finish this urself and you will probably die from bored-ness!

the dessert we had! OMGGGGG
the mango is SWEEET. there is not a tinge of sourness at all. 

after 20 minutes, it become like this!
i wonder how did we manage to do this!

a piece of art!


at orchard central, there is a lollipop background!



while resting at taka, i decided to entertain myself! :P

the muah chee pastry tt ida got from taiwan! it is nice!!

the outer layer smells good, taste good.
it is to my liking!

i know my fringe sucks! i will get my bangs back soon! 

the day passes really quickly! more meeetups! ((: