Saturday, May 26, 2012


I was really excited about my graduation the day before, esp when im tweeting w @thmessylocks about it! 
it's the day our hardwork pays off.. yes, i admit i wasnt as diligent as i was in secondary, i didnt have the brainiest brain, but i swear i did my best when i should. 

 like i've said a million times, i may not have the best result, but i get to know one of the best group of people in my life! my result may not be good enough to get into a local uni, but it doesnt really matter to me.. im sure this is the fate of my life. i accept it. i may lose the chance to get into a local uni, but what is ahead of me in my private uni is a new life! a place where im getting my deg, a place where im getting to know new ppl and it may also be a place where im going to know my future 0.5! (this zero point five reminds me of xiuhui) LOL. 

when i was in secondary school, i hear ppl say "poly ppl v competitive". now tt i had gone thru it, my take is tt i agree with this sentence. yes, i experienced it myself. but JC ppl will too right.. if you were to look at this sentence from a different angle, it may also be a good thing. if you uses it correctly, it will bring you to a higher level (you know wad i mean). it will also slaps you straight into ur face that life aint a bed of roses. it can also be a test of friendship. if things happen and you still can be friends after that, you can be friends forever. 

next is my family, im really thankful for my family for supporting my decision in opting for poly. i know they want me to get into a JC badly. yes, BADLY. they took leave to attend my graduation. when e ceremony ended, they even text me to take my time to take photos w my friends and that they will wait for me at fc4. where to find another such understanding family?! <3 as im the eldest in the family, i get a lot more attention at home. i get most financial backups too. this result in my spoilt personality. im really apologetic abt this but sometimes, i really cant help it. ): hence, for my grad, when i say i want flowers and teddy, i gets it. for flowers, im not satisfied w one stalk, i insist in having more than one.. LOL. after i get home from the ceremony, i chuck the sunflowers aside saying idw alrdy.. (sry daddy and mummy, but i really love it! i swear). for teddy, i am not satisfied with any bear from a roadside. i point my finger at the brand that i want. me-to-you bear. the little bear tt i got aint cheap. i know. cos i choose it. 
but my family didnt say NO to my unreasonable requests.. they gave in to me. i know because they do not want me to regret in such a once-in-a-lifetime occasion! thanks family, i really do love you. i will be ur better puaysee in future. i promise i will grow up (: 

thanks friends for the fond memories that we shared over the years. 3 years aint a short time, but it wasnt long enough to really bond someone w u.. but im quite sure my clique and my friendship aint tt brittle.. it is a lie if i say we were happy w each other for 3 full years.. let bygones be bygones. (did i phrase correctly??) 3 years after our orientation, we are able to gather tgt to take photos happily.. we heads towards different path, but we will definitely meet up again and again and again. im alrdy missing their laughters. the endless topics that we had, the laughters tt we created, the memories that we shared, the jokes that only we know, the gossips tt we talked about, i remembered! it may not be in details, but somewhere in my brain, i remember! (: let's continue creating more! i love you zha bors! this is the way we call each other. zhar bors! hahaaha

my dear class. we are tgt for 3 years! we've made it! we may be separated into different cliques but the times we shared w each other aint short.. dac02 dac02 dac02. im really glad and proud of my class. during the dac farewell in school, there was a video played. we didnt have as much memories as other class had created, but we are really unique in our own ways! we wore our uniforms, we had bbq at a condo, we had chalets that was pretty fun and most imptly, we had a group in facebook named "share the love". yes, if i manage to hook onto a golden tortise and become a taitai, i will go fb and eng eng create all sorts of gathering! JUST JOKING LA! hahaha! :p when it is holiday, we should get a day out! like EVERYONE push any appointment away, cancel any meetings, postpone all datings and meet up w old classmates!
10 years later when we were in our thirties, i want to see them.. the changes we had.. the kids we owned. the husband/wife besides.. i wonder if we will still laugh so heartily.. i pictured it really beautifully. i hope it will.. please arh dac02, no matter what, please remember the puaysee that is involved in ur 3 years poly life. 

my dear proj mates, the one year that we shared aint long. but we had many first times! we stayed back after school to chiong proj like siao.. find tchers like siao.. and stayed overnight in school,. didnt have food for more than 24 hours because of projs.. we do have arguments, but at the end of the day, we smiled. our hardworks really paid off. really really! everytime we clicked "saved" the last time for our proj, the smiles on our faces, it is unforgettable! ida and i used to say we were going to DELETE every single file in our laptop after all projs, but on the last day, we text each other saying we dont bear too.. it is our baby! (': this text i swear i almost cry.. cos it is so touching.. the ppl tt went thru the same thing as you said they dont bear to, cos it is OUR hardwork, OUR baby, OUR memories.. till today, the files are still in my laptop.. i dont open it, but i wont delete it.. (: the bonds that we have created, the names tt we called each other esp my BFFAW! we started off really formally, shy and unfamiliar.. but it wasnt too late after when we joke ard! we tsk each other, say each other, tease each other, glared at each other, scolded each other, but at the end of the day, we are still friends forever (: the friendship tt we bonded aint glass. it is as hard as the bone.. or probably harder. 

to kaikeng and zhihan, thanks for coming to my graduation! im sorry for being so annoying to ask u to carry my things for me, help me and my friends take photo, neglect you two.. im really happy to see u two!! im really v flustered that day! so, when i see you two ard, i asked for help! i gt nth else to say except THANKYOU ((: our USS trip is round the corner! :P

pictures time (:

michelle lee! our ptn in year 3!
she commented abt my pink bag, pink pouch.. hahaha

david chee.. HAHAHAHA..

kong yuen ho! his help in our iap, i will never forget. savior kong!

the 3 early birds!

neo chip chuan! it is funny tt he bend down w us to take a picture w us! (:

june yeo! hahaha

kaikeng and vanvan!!! 

before grad, alrdy flustered!

hi dude!

ps: vanvan!
vv: tsk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haiya! dont all me vanvan!

my family <3

in our happy robes!


v interesting board!

my samantha bag really v pretty can!

w shirin, goose, xiuhui and mages!
LOL, i can totally recognise xiuhui's sisters sia! hahahahha!

w daphne! my mum and aunts says that she is really v pretty!

we refused to go in until the ppl gl and chase us into the spcc..

amanda! this zha bor tell me say this is our ONLY individual shot tgt w our robes on..
my heart like pain a bit when i read tt comment.. ):

w goose! she is kind enough to prepare us a handmade gift w our names on.. tt is v thoughtful of you. thanks, but i will still call you goose! :P

w weijian!

w konghim!

my bffaw!! <3 <3 <3 wo hao ai ni!

my dearest proj mates! <3

w dongxiao!

w my shorty~ (:

my two nan rens!

kengling never fails to shock me w her hairstyles! daebak!

my precious clique. 
i miss cheryl suddenly.. she should be w us if she didnt quit.. ):
sometimes, i will still think of the number 7 instead of 6..

low kaikeng! thanks for coming down! i wore their robe and walked ard sp for a while! :O

lim zhihan! thanks for coming down! i rmb he asked kaikeng for e bear bear to carry when taking photo! hahah. 

<3 my friends!

in tp robe w adrian! he is always so cheerful! hahahah! i feel like a witch!

germaine!! my future coursemate if nt classmates! ((((:
LOL, i just saw zhihan behind! haha!

happy us!

my genting mate! idk wad made us really go genting tgt. but e 3D2N aint gonna get forgotten!
 one of the description she wrote for me is "thanks for the vday lollipop" 
omg!!! she remembered! like someone rmb my effort.. ((: thanks girl! see ya in sim soon (:

robert tan! the tcher we feared seeing every monday cos sometimes we really gt no qns to ask him.. yet he want us to ask! but thanks for guiding us patiently (: stress~ss! 

edna soo! omg, my mum asked if she is my friend! i said she is my lecturer! my mum was shocked tt she looked so young!

happy w my flowers and tatty teddy!


my precious bffaw! someone i never want to lose in my life!

guoqiang! hahaha! 

w jiahui!! we used to meet to go school tgt in year one EVERYday.. ((: i remembered!


w my mummy! <3

w my beloved popo! <3 she wore high heels and caused her leg to hurt ):

w my keowkeow! <3

w my sanyee! <3

happy me!

im a diploma holder now! <3


watami at Jcube after tt! yum yum!

my wants!

my fluffy sp bear bear!

my "branded" bear!

my sunflowers!

class of 2012 dac02, we've made it. 
well done!
i will definitely remember ALL OF YOU!
21 of us, once a dac02ian, forever a dac02ian