Tuesday, May 29, 2012

kaikeng's graduation

it's kaikeng's grad! 
i have never dreamt abt the 4 of us having outings and grps chats in whatsapps! 
during sec 1 and 2, we aint exactly a clique! in fact, i never talk much to zhihan.. (so stranger tt i dont think we smile at each other when we in sec 3 and 4).
we were pretty much a clique in sec 3 and 4.. as we are in e same class for 4 years, i guess we are quite comfortable w each other alrdy..  however, ever since we graduated from our dmss, we never contact much.. not much outing also.. hmmm..
no need say, she is my love! every holiday cfm see each other <3

BASED ON MY KNOWLEDGE, let me explain abit on the background knowledge.. so jq and zh is pretty close. this probably apply to me and kk. at the same time, me and jq are LOVERS! <3 plus we 4 know each other too! so when me and jq meet, we say can ask the 2 nan rens along..
 i rmb our first outing (4 of us) is at plaza sing.. AS USUAL, the guys forever makes us wait.. wad is this world becoming to man.. -.-" when i first see zh after so many years, we quite awkward lor.. no common topic.. now still not bad, can joke ard liao! when i first see kk after so many years, he still the same la.. he and his straight teeth smile.. jiaqi and me forever still in love~
after the help of whatsapp grp convo and more outings, i guess we are quite comfortable tgt alrdy! (personally, i feel no more awkwardness la) so OFF WE GO TO USS ON THE 30TH JUNE 2012!  #sibeieggcited!

im typing the entire chunk of paragraph above cos i have nth else to say.. 
kk grad > parkway > home sweet home.

the 4 of us have graduated officially~ :D glad to have them in my life. sompa!

love of my life.. i cannot stop saying how much i love her.. because i scare my actions nt enough to prove it.. so im saying it over and over!

us w our bearbears~

i was quite excited about having a picture taken w our bears bears.. now tt i look at the picture, actually quite embarrassing.. when will i stop doing malu stuff? 

they like gg to play a band or smth.. LOL!

the introvert and my jiaqi~ im an introvert too! why no one believe this?!

our bears! my sp bear feel so intimidated.. omg.. look at my bear's eyes.. it looked so scared.. 

this sums up the day! haha..