Wednesday, June 27, 2012

my advance 20th w FILS

it's a joyous occasion! because it is my bday. :p
im always happy on my bday! not only do i get to receive present (secondary), i get to meet up w ppl tt i dont always see and i feel even more love from my friends! felt so loved tt im dying from over dosage of happiness..  i wonder did anyone really die from being too happy.. 

anqi told us smth tt i didnt realise! we always meet up on the 25th coincidentally.. we didnt plan for it.. 25th apr (anqi bday), 25th may (anqi grad), 25th june (me and hj's bday).
such little observation shows how much we meant to her <3

im a spoiler for the day. anqi and nick were supposed to meet earlier to buy cake so as to surprise us. however, we were so fated tt i saw them at bedok inter.. hahaha! they sian diao! sorry but thanks! hahaha! 
headed down to the soup spoon! after eating, presents giving ceremony! 
totally didnt expect that. cos i tot it was still early.. but tada, cakes, presents and cards w touching messages! <3
after tt, a little hipcupps.. and nick got to leave early.. ): 

afterwhich anqi passed us another surprise! omg! anqi has got to be best at surprising ppl! huijun and me and probably nick got tricked totally. (Y) jaw dropped at her plan.. shall not reveal wad is the present because nick may read my blog.. but the 15 minutes was truly everything! it's like memories all rewind automatically! 100% effort <3 anqi said she nvr did such tedious things to any other friends! see how honoured we were! ((':  thanks bambam!

at bedok mrt, when im abt to tap card at the gantry, anqi say "zou kai la" (go away la) at me leh!!!! and snatch my tt gantry! DAMN! i was infront leh! and i stupidly gave up the space to anqi in SHOCKED! so fierce.. ask me go away.. but immediately after we cross the gantry, we laughed out loud, literally. HAHAHAH!

to my fils: 
i have said all that i want to say to you all in our WELCOME TO SASA convo (: i will make it short and sweet here.. the one month preparation for this celebration, i see it all in my eyes and heart. like really grateful those kind. i didnt go that extra mile for you all, yet i received so much.. after THAT incident, and while gg thru anqi's special surprise, i realize i really cannot afford to lose any of you.. 
the 3 of you, be really really healthy and happy and enjoy my company! (: because only w good health, we can have babies so that we really can be in-laws! ((;
*all from the bottom of my heart* SOMPA

the only flaw that day is that e 4 of us didnt take a photo tgt.. ):

but we can always take another day on the 25th!