Tuesday, July 3, 2012

my 20th w my 2 LADIES!

omg the cake they got from breadtalk is soo good. (partly cos im super hungry). the moisture in the cheesecake is so goood! the portion is just nice! not too much that it fills ur stomach or too little tt u cant have enough!

thankyou nv ren men! <3 initially, i tot it was a normal meetup for dinner but but but they presented me w a cake! and im the oldest among the 3 loh! damn emo i swear.. 

after that, we headed down to jp.. xh even think of what to eat liao ! VERY GOOD! better than everyone being clueless.. :O it's our second time into tt restaurant (idk wad is the name), and we can rmb wad happened on our first time there vividly! we even rmb having one gyoza  left and goose had it.. LOL! these are really really small details, but we all remembered it. (: everyone cherished those memories. 
yes, we ordered the gyoza again. hahaha!

i had omu rice! hahah. im so determined on having omu rice after seeing the menu. thankyou rooftopprice. but it's so disappointing! the omu rice in rooftopprice looks so good! his highness and his servant ate like they are having the best food on earth. 
the omurice that i had was losing so much in terms of appearance! the egg yolk and egg white aint mixed well and a bit raw.. 

after dinner, we walked around jp.. so much memories. how many times have we been thr during 3 years of poly? i will never have a chance to step into jp without them because i lived way too far! the places we visit are damn kiddy. we visited kiddy palace and those kids section~ omg. e 3 of us look at different different things! xiuhui looks at those monopoly deal like of games, huimin looked at some weird invention which i cant fathom (they are some molecules like that sticks tgt.. and the kids can tear and crash and make into some shape?) while i look at soft toys. #okaycan we damn lame. 

ohh we had arcade tooo! like those xmm tt goes to arcade instead of gg home after sch.. hahah! it's been some time we had arcade tgt.. the most memorable arcade session i had w them is when we were in year one. hahaha. i cant reload the gun and xh refused to tell me and i lose the game T__T

happy day w the girls! <3 thankyou ladies!