Saturday, June 2, 2012

Universal Studio Singapore

(die die must take w this globe)

that's right! i have finally stepped my foot into USS! haha! i skipped several blog post cos i want to blog abt this BADLY! :p
i have been to a bigger amusement park in my life, a more luxurious one, an overseas one. but this USS trip has got to be one of the best best best! this is because im gg w my friends! in the past, i go w my family members.. okay, i sound like i got no friends.. but ya, no friends w me when im out of singapore.. so when i queued up for the rides, it is always w my family. i see other ppl w their friends.. well, it's not tt it is not fun to go w family, but the feeling is different. 

ya, anyway.. carls junior for lunch at vivo before we set off to uss! saw kungfu panda the moment i step into uss! then saw batman's joker.. i swear he damn scary.. he scared jiaqi by his sudden appearance infront of jiaqi den he scare me by trying to kiss me.. T_T

transformer is fun! it is identical to the spiderman in usj! thumbs up for revenge of the mummy! we took twice for these two rides! the must take rides! i must say this cos im grateful. the two guys are gentlemen enough to sit by the side so that jiaqi and i can be in the middle! 

please go in even number.. best is in 4.. cos the rides are usually 4 in a row! it is good tt we can get the entire row to ourselves!  

i find the madagascar's carousel is more scary than the human and cyclon roller coaster! i feel safer on the roller coaster w the safety belt thing. for the carousel, firstly e giraffe tt i wan is so HIGH, i cant climb up tt! ): secondly, it is slanted at an angle, if not for the FLIMSY safety belt, i feel tt i can just slide off it.. -.-"

as for the shrek 4D, it is exactly the same as the one i watched in usj! omg! but the seats tt we took dont move as much! WTH! we see the ppl infront gallop gallop ):

i must mention the water ride tt we took! haha! zhihan is SOAKED. that unlucky boy, the water just "choose" him! and when we went into the tunnel, it is so dark that we cant see each other. there is not a glimpse of light! but it is fun! kk's gel power, his hair still can spike despite the water attack. alright guys, he is using gatsby! 

jiaqi and i bought the potion drink! and it is so cute! tho it is pricey, but it is worth it! and kaikeng is like peaceful gary in running man! he appears in almost all the photos tt me and jiaqi trying to take! until we must take without him behind us! LOL.

jiaqi, kaikeng and i took the roller coaster! omgggg! the red track aint tt scary! i swear! after the hollywood ride in usj, this is really a piece of cake! the blue one gt 360deg turn, dna twist and all, trust me, it is bearable! zhihan really refused to take w us no matter how much we tried to persuade him! ):

after 7 hours of happiness, went back to vivo to have dinner! we chat from full hse till they came to collect the bowls.. LOL. we are a table of laughter! ((: after tt, we had dessert! omggg! the watermelon beancurd is my new love! and it is in my fav pink!

my is 92!

zhihan, jiaqi, kaikeng

the popcorn car!

im a cowboy now! yeeeehar!

the award tt kk giving zh is "best husband award" 
what a sweet couple! 

elmo w my jiaqi~

on our way to uss! sry for the jumbled up pictures!

omg! kaikeng read the words behind as bar girl.. but it is bar grill..

the scary joker! i know my eyes are close but i just wanna show hw scary he is!

all smiles!

before the fun starts, we still have nice hair! see! i told you kk is photobombing us..

my <3

i love her hug! <3

zh and jq!

kk and jq!

after the water ride! SEE HOW SOAKED HE IS! omg! i laughed hard at him! out of 9 ppl, how can he be this unlucky?!!? poor thing!

he is the wettest!

kk is photobombing me T__T im supposed to be alone in the far far away land!


in my far far away......

my dark face! 

meow meow!
puss in boots! i called it pussy by accident!

role switched! the hairbands are so cute!

so cuteeee!

the bag cause us to be so far apart ):
but we are the forever in love shrek and fiona!

omg! zh got forced by me to wear the fiona one! haha! he wanted the shrek one tho!

princess crown and castle!

after taking two roller coasters! woohoo!

my tired face and messy hair but happy face!

our yummy desserts!

blurry photo because of my trembling hands! but still a nice shot!

xtra large photo because i love her hug!

our 3D glasses!

jiaqi and kaikeng distorted face!
zhihand and my smiley face!

omg! we like one big family out on a family trip! my brothers and sister!

look at the gap bet me and jiaqi, you will find kk thr!

feeling youthful! despite being soaked, we are happy! i really love this picture!
i think this is the best pic of the trip!

there are many ppl behind, but my flash can only recognise my friends ((:

zh is under my spell now! *evil laughter*

kk is also under my spell now! *hiak hiak hiak*

witchy me!

jq is happy in her potion!

cos there are two camera, there are two sets of similar photos.. hahah!

shrek and fiona w potions!

trying to kiss this boy!

second attempt!

<3 <3 <3<3

loook at how empty uss is! hahaha!

we are trying to camwhore w the dog behind!

resting! heehee!

in the washroom to retie my hair! my ribbon fell after the day!
i rmb hearing kk telling zh tt my ribbon is up again when im out from the ladies!

awesome lighting!

i have no idea why the toilet is so good for taking photo!

waiting waiting!

i told xiuhui tt my fringe is messy yet still v nice!

w their dessert!

pink! so pretty!

my camera's inbuilt frame!
jq and zh talking abt korea, we ended up taking photos of ourselves!

failed cropping!

i got my amazing concealer at $33! i saved $10 cos of GSS! and i got the membership card alrdy!

ending off w a picture of us w the penguins! zh and recognise which penguin is who.. LOL..

this more or less concludes our uss trip! happy happy!