Friday, July 6, 2012

twelve o'clock 1st July

i've just turned 20 abt a week ago! no longer a teenager, yet im not an adult yet. i have no idea what am i now. i rmb vividly tt im feeling so stressed up at the last 5 mins of 30th June. idk why!

the original plan - meet jiaqi at bedok inter then go and meet the couple (kk and zh). then go eat then shuffle.

the real plan - jiaqi called me asking me if she can come my hse cos xxxxxxxxxxx in a crying tone. i felt quite helpless cos idk in what state is she in right now. so i went to open my door and on the lights in my room while waiting for her.. suddenly someone knock on my dooor damn loudly like some loanshark. i chua tio. so i looked thru the peek hole. but i cant see e face cos the person in yellow is standing on his side. so i tot it was a postman here to deliver me something. so i just open.. TO MY SURPRISE, THE FIRST PERSON I SAW WAS LOW KAIKENG! i think i shouted OMG and then i wanted to close the door cos im in my hm clothes and in a cui look.. then kk damn strong, he push the door open while im closing it. THEN I SAW LIM ZHIHAN DEN WONG JIAQI W A BIRTHDAY CAKE! omgomgomgomg! 

totally surprised! then i realise jiaqi was fine and tt was all acting to surprise me! the surprise was a great success. everything was so sudden from their appearance to the bday cake to the singsong to the presents (esp seeing them), that my hands are shaking. have to calm myself down!

i went to get change and then, the 3 of them watch me get my make up done! LOL!

headed down to plaza sing to have swensen's! 

after that, went to shuffle at clarkquay! a v nice pub if they can lower the vol a little. but they play chinese song leh.. o.O" i had lychee martini! i think the bartender is out to kill me.. how can smth sweet (according to jiaqi) taste so bitter to me! alcohol. not long after, my face turned red, my face, throat and ear becomes hot. but im sober much. 
then they kept looking at their phone to see if it is 12 alrdy or not. stress! when the clock strike twelve, happy birthday wishes and a bday kiss from MY JIAQI! <3 <3 heeheehee!

i was given a choice whether to go club or not. my answer was still NO in the end.. i hate to disappoint them cos they seemed like they wanted to but i really dunwan to club! im titled as the "clubbing tian hou" even tho i nvr even step into a club before.. LOL. 

so, we went to sit by the river and chill out~~~ photos taking! i almost go crazy from the clubbing song tt is emitted from the "huge boat" idk wad is tt.. like really irritated those kind! aiyo! i really duno how ppl tahan! walked past attica, rebel and zirca.. (rebel and zirca was okay) but i almost faint at attica's music. 
i guessed im missing out on a lot of nightlife.... hahaha.. #oldgirl92

we walked to raffles place! otw there, there was a statue sitting by the riverside and zh pointed tt direction to me.. i turned and i literally GASP! i tot i saw smth.. LOL.. -.- 
had nuggets, but it's 3am plus in the morning.. not a timing for chewing. hahahha #lazypuayseetheory. 

cabbed home~ reached home at ard 4? 

happy birthday! as usual, other than thankyou i really duno what else to say.. starting wasnt exactly to celebrate my bday cos they merely want to see me drunk! cos jiaqi told them the funny things i do when im under the control of alcohol. but they celebrated my bday in a way tt i have never expected at all.. it's not like im a saint in a previous life. i make tons of mistakes, im selfish, im spoilt, im ignorant. yet the amount of love, care and concerns showered on my is way beyond what i deserve. 
im so afraid tt i will lose smth in life cos i gained so much from them.. dear god, dear guanyinma, dear tuapekgong, dear jade emperor, you can take all my wealth away (i dont have much tho), but dont touch any of my friends' health and smile, and never take them away from me. 

im actually only 1 years only! (:

all smiles after our earthquake!

result of sitting beside me zh! :D

my <3.. i want her eyes. (she nvr put on those enlarging lens)

our drinks. 
my look harmless but harmful lychee martini

oh right, jiaqi offered to exchange w me, but i cant possibly let her take e alcohol right!

blur still must take!

he always got many many pose!

our second round. this is gooood! the alcohol aint tt strong!

hot weather!

MY BIRTHDAY KISSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
i smile until no eyes. hahahah!
i usually wun post up pictures of me w smaller eyes. but i love this photo! die die must post!

poor zh cant take the flash!


long hand keng!


i love this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no idea why but loves!

my left and right! 

the best couple award should be presented to them..
walao the wife like more initiative.. the husband like so shy like tt..

jiaqi's left and right! wahh zh strip liao!

my "wo qu shang mao ce" friend! hahaha

blue and yellow for their shirt
blue drink yellow lemon for jiaqi's blue china~

see my face, i drink a bit only leh.. now off color liao..
next time i cant lie tt i nvr drink.. cfm kena caught one

soon to be army boy in army specs! like a decent sia!!!

the vain boy pose! haha.. 
idk why but this picture give me this feeel "i (zh) dont usually take photos with girls, but if i do, it is never less than 5" 
but i really think this is a well taken photo!

polaroids for the day! <3

at mcdonalds, they decorated e polaroids but i haven take photo of them! hahaha