Thursday, August 30, 2012

jiaqi's 20!

happy birthday girl <3

right.. if you have been reading my blog, there are certain posts where i mentioned smth tt have not ripe and that i can reveal it yet.. i can reveal it now! it's because kaikeng have been coming to my place to do up the scrapbook for jiaqi!
this girl like never lack of anything, hence, i seriously dk what to get for her! hence, i decided to do up a scrapbook for her! sincere leh! come on everyone, even tho we have many wants, we are actually lack of nothing. anw, while doing, kk said smth like why you print so many photo? why do so many pages? blah blah! he did scrapebook before and it's like a 4 pages like tt only. what he meant is that we can concentrate more on tt few pages instead of doing so many!
but print oso print liao! so we did it anyway, even tho we didnt use up all the photos........

so on tt day, me, kk and zh supposed to meet at 12.. BUT zh reach at almost 1! tsk! want to kill him! and his army hat and geeky specs makes me cnt recognise him.. were on e phone w zh while scanning thru the vicinity. yet yet yet, i scan pass him.. only spotted him on e second scan! bought the foood. blah blah.. and head down to meet jiaqi!

headed down to gardens by the bay! my second time here! it's very different from the night view! i personally prefer the day one. idk if i gt night blindness or not but i cant see well at night and im feel so much insecurities when im in e dark.... 
picnic there! cut the cake and gave e present first cos that's when kk and i can start complaining of each other! hahaha!
we attracted so much attention w the picnic mat, us sitting on e floor (even tho there are seats beside us) and the food.. hahaha! everyone walking past us looked at us. there is even ppl taking photo of us! win.. 

we sat there for ard 3 hours. but i swear time pass really quickly! <3 but the weather is really hot.. so hot that i quite sian.. too hot.. 
walked ard MBS and then to helix bridge! omg! my first time there! omgomgomg! i have seen helix bridge countless of times, but all thru the car window! i finally step onto it. it's not v fascinating actually but i took a touristy pic hahaha!

went to FullHouse at hotel rendezvour ! it's a themed cafe! but the food also not cheap....... i think their target audience are the working class. since they can chill out there or have a gathering after work. yeap, tt's our next stage. but now, let's stick to hungry chimps!

while dinnering, this low kaikeng keep exposing my secrets he "collected" when he is at my home.... -.-" my jiaqi and zhihan damn bad! they laughed hard at me........... you all should really see their faces when they laugh! they are really laughing at me those kind leh! ): but nvm la, actually i find it quite funny also! HAHA!
gt one sentence i rmb until now! from zh: aunty carrying two plastic bag from market. smth like tt!! T___T

home sweet home at ard 9 plus cos army boy have to go home~

to my dearest jiaqi:
i've said all tt i want to say to you alrdy.. 
i still want to stress on one point, you really deserve all the happiness in e world.
dont let ANYONE pull you down okay! smile forever! 

our picnic ~
there is a loaf of bread at a corner! okay...


got this spooon like thing from daiso!
and the color is for us! like there is pink, orange, blue and greeen!
just nice!

one of the pages!

look at the color of the spooons! so cute right!

im really strong! thanks anlene!

tourist at heart!

so cute!
his is tony! 

this is tracy!

can u see a smiley face?
i didnt.. until zh tell me...

my big mouth say this again.....
as usual, i regretted immediately...... ):

i got so bored since im wo my phone, i started taking photo of the aircon... HAHAH

i love the bedroom actually..
it's lacey~~~~~` screamms!

there are hats for u to wear!

specs for us to play w..

on the last page, we did our thumbprint! HAHAHA!

this pretty much concludes the happy day w this group of ppl! <3