Monday, September 17, 2012

Hokkaido Day 7 & 8

as there are not much photos taken on the last two days in hokkaido, i shall put them tgt. i will be starting school tml, so i tot i should at least finish blogging about my hokkaido trip (:

7th day
shopping day! shop shop shop~ our haul got so heavy that we decided to head back to hotel to offload before continue shopping! being really vain, i even change into the new clothes tt i bought from haul earlier tt day! heeheehee! went to SAPPORO SWEETS CAFE to have our hightea. the place was advertised and we tot it was a must to go since all the BEST cakes from ard hokkaido is sold there! but to our disappointment, we were thr pretty late (ard 3pm) and there were not much of a variety left for us to choose from.
nevertheless, they still taste heavenly. (tho they were NOTHING as compared to the cheesecake i had from LeTao.) i wonder why LeTao's cheesecake wasnt on display. i guess they were probably sold out before im there.. 

8th day
woke up in e middle of the night and vomited ): didnt have the appetite to have breakfast ): went to the airport after breakfast. was feeling grumpy cos im heading back to singapore and w my empty stomach. but my eyes lights the moment i stepped into the airport. im greeted w SAMANTHA THAVASA <3
bought samantha thavasa's eclair too! the sight of this shop makes all my grumpyness away. 
so i gt the eclair on my hand while im shopping in samantha. so the sales person like bring dry ice to me so tt my eclair is kept cold. omg... so cute!

so i went crazy in samatha thavasa again. i got myself a bag and an iphone case. my aunts and mum gt iphone cases, wallets and ezlink card cases too. damn. i have no idea why they need a samantha thavasa ezlink case to store their ezlink -.-" under my influence! HAHAHA! i must be crazy, i should get myself a ST ezlink case too ):


exotic iphone case!

i know im in japan whenever i see these.


change clothes loh!
see, i took really little photo when im shopping!

left w these... ):

i had this!

hokkaido's beef.
finally had it.
it's not kobe, it's just from a normal cow
maybe any cow slaughtered from a roadside, but i swear i tot im in paradise when i had the first bite. 

my heaven. 

my second heaven.

we are all crazy over royce in singapore.
but it's is so common in hokkaido tt i no longer feel anything after seeing it continuously from 2 days. 

my 3rd
this is only limited to Japan. 
so, i better not see this is singpapore. if not i will just flip table!

wrapped so nicely!

tada! <3
i didnt get to buy agnes b's cake when i was in hk in the past. and i regretted. 
it taste exceptionally good. i guess it's cos it's baked by my fav brand!

i gt this hellokitty in yukata cos i wore similar yukata when im in lake toya. day 4!
rmb? (: