Sunday, September 23, 2012

the hosehs

in order to enjoy my last day of holiday, i went out w my other two girls to chaichee ktv. it's really cheap! like $10 per person for 5 hours! and the room we got is really huge. it's so big tt i think it can hold more than 7 ppl! 
sing song sing song..
had singaporean style dinner at bedok hawker! pamela introduced us a dish name DA XI GUA (big watermelon). LOL! annchee and i were amused by the name of the dish! but yeah, it's nice to have that after a meal! ((:

my awesome app!

seee!!! it's really a huge rooom!

everything is good except that the sensor bet the monitor and the remote control really sucks!

the da xi gua! haha!
all these supposed to go into a real watermelon's shell. but it's sold out.
so it's replaced by a bowl!
it's really really big and it's only 5$!

i gt the 38face here but who cares when we were having fun!

after this 5 hrs singing session, i gt sore throat the next day. ):