Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cheezz Studio

met up w the happy 4! the last time i saw them was on 16march2013! omg omg omg.. too long.. way too long.. this is unacceptable! >:(
anyway, met up to celebrate kaikeng's birthday. it is belated but no choice because of army and exams and overseas trip. nevertheless, our wishes for him did not decrease!

jiaqi and i met up to shop ard in town for his presents. then went over to met kaikeng to CHEEZZ STUDIO! i have been there for several times and the owner can recognise me alrdy! LOL. as usual, i enjoyed the half an hour because im narcissistic! camwhoring is my middle name! hahah! i think this is a once in a lifetime experience. everybody should at least try once! but zhihan didnt join us because he really dislikes taking photos! the picture aint complete without xiaomifeng!

after the session, chilled out at mcd while waiting for zh to arrive. went to hungry chimps again for dinner! i finally gets to sit at the sofa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it sucks, becos it is way too low for me.. the waiter asked me to sit on the cushion to heighten myself. -.- but it is not really my problem because the sofa is too low for tall kaikeng. 

went over to 313 to chill out at starbucks after jiaqi's boyf joined us! though i didnt talk much to him but im really friendly! what touched me most is the way my babylover introduce me to her boyf. she says "you can dont know anyone, but you must know her (me). even my cousin knows her". this may seem to be a normal sentence to all of you, but it means another thing to me. it means she is so important that even my family knows her. you get what i mean? thankyou babylover! <3

and their endless teasing makes me wanna strangle the 3 of them! but i know they dont have any ulterior motive. just plain and pure playing around. so i didnt take it to heart. this makes us US. (: what's friends without teasing!

CHEEZZ~~~~ i love this place!

<3 <3 <3

with the bday boy!
loving this pic cos my hair looooooks longgg!

i love this pic of her! nice background, bright toothy smile, white teeeeth, big eyes, long hair!

my babyllover w the busybeee! #1 medic! 
this is e secret code that have to be said to make zh reply in whatsapp!!!

5 hungry chimps! try spotting the 5!

we have different fooood!
i had fish
jiaqi had pork
kaikeng had chicken
zhihan had beef

are you ready for the pictures taken at cheezz studio?
but let me talk abt cheezz studio!

cheezz studio is a studio where you can have your private space while camwhoring w a professional camera and a clicker! we can choose our own colour background from e choices of six! the rates can be found in their website. 
all you need is to bring a pair of clean shoes/socks (bcos barefooted is really ugly), yourself and ur friends. props are all provided and they are enough to last u half an hr! 
and you are gooood to go!
i just realise i didnt blogg abt my second and third experience with cheezz studio! omg???? am i that forgetful?! but my first experience is CLICK HERE

i chose pink back ground as background!
second was grey!
third was blue!
this is my forth and it is teal!

my personal favorite is still grey! grey can bring out any colour you are wearing so long as it is not  black/grey.
the link is

contact number is 6333 3128

im not paid to do any advertisement. im just sharing my great experience with them! you wont regret! even if you do, you have nothing to lose except half an hour of ur life and $18.

this picture is rather "complete" cos our mifeng aint here. but kk is wearing a bee headgear. so there is FOUR of us here.. ermmmm.. nothing ghostly here.. just our own jokes!

how sweeeet! kaikeng love me! BUT.....

i love her ! *hulk hug*

salute! love photos like these where poses are the same!

so kawaii w e huge ribbons!

this kaikeng best hairstyle!

no meaning.. but love the way we are!

i swear this kaikeng as narcissistic as me.. walking also can .. (Y)

we will be gg over to the 21st club first..
join us soon jq and zh!

loves hug from her most! <3
she is always generous w her hug!

FAVORITE PICTURE OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

proposing to my babylover.. but she is rejecting me.......

loooking really happy!

kaikeng, army arh u?


her love nvr suffocates me

kaikeng got violent tendency. WANT DIE ARH BOX MY GIRL!?

ended up getting boxed -.-

the way im looking at jiaqi machiam im tiko like tt

kaikeng conveniently places his arm on jiaqi's shoulder and looking really happy! LOL


jiaqi is luring the rabbit w flowers! SOSO SOSO SOSO CUTEEEEEEEEE!
