Monday, February 20, 2012

idk wad did i do, but i found this picture! HAHAAH!
top to bottom, left to right - puaysee (ME!), eric, jerlisa, hazel, pamela, carmen, cheukman!
picture taken on 27th Dec 2007! OMG! can we turn back time to those days?
the days where i dun have to study for exams, the days i dun have to fret over attendance, the days tt i "chauffeur" around, the days where we dk wad conflict of interest means and if i mean purely primary sch days, i will have said " most imptly, the days where i have not met you.." (nt applicable to this date, cos you've left)
i wonder how Puaysee will puaysee be if those eyes didnt met, if those hearts didnt race, if tt qns wasnt popped, those hands disnt reach and those lips didnt touch..
maybe i will be one who wishes upon a star for a prince charming..
but in reality, instead of being a knight in shining armor to save me from the castle guarded by a dragon tt spits fire, you are the witch tt gave me a poisonous apple.
i wish im smart and heartless enough to slap the apple off ur hands.. but i took the apple and ate it happily...