Friday, April 13, 2012

2e6 gang, sup?

wasssup! it's me again!
went out to meet the #foreverlate people (except my dear jiaqi, she's excused) ! im late for 20 mins yet im the first to reach somerset. see how late the rest were!
met jakie first follow by zhihan.. as usual, kaikeng latest! dont be fooled by zh's innocent face. cunning sia.. he asked me to call kk why so late. so i did.. it turned out tt kk alrdy reach yet i didnt see him.. -.-" i heard the same thing on the spot and on the phone.. so i turned my head.. smart or wad sia me! (:

walked to cine to check out the timeslots.. jiaqi wasnt sure if she can make it for the 440 slot. so we caught the 510 mirror mirror! watch it if you have spare cash. i found the ending song!

listen and you will know *face palm* but quite catchy la. cos you wun have to memorise the lyrics.. it will just come off from your mouth after hearing for the first time..
walked to ion to have xin wang hk food! ok i shall not complain cos it is my fault to order spaghetti from a hk cafe.. no nice!
we were quite noisy before the food comes. but when the waiter start serving us the food, silence... (y) we are good kids tt doesnt talk during meals!
when i told them tt im introvert, they dont believe! ): no one ever believes tt im introvert, shy and quiet.. i got these term from the quiz and report book okay. true to a certain extent.

ohh! i rmb one of the convo.. (smth like tt)
kaikeng: *looking at jiaqi"( but because im in the middle so i tot he talking to me also..) do you think woman's sixth sense smth smth smth
me: *interrupt* i dont have six sense, i am not a woman
kaikeng: tt's why im looking at jiaqi and not you wad..
me: T____________________T

ohohoh! kaikeng is afraid of my index finger! ticklesss! okay these 3 guys are afraid.. good for their wives!
after dinner, walked over to shaw house to find jiaqi's friend! while waiting, wad can we do? take photo lor! the lighting in ck is nice yet we took 1 picture only. psys.

walked to starbucks to chill.. ^^ yeap, we talking about wad we are going to do next and our secondary school days! and i realise i forget a lot of things alrdy. im like "ohh.. got meh? forget liao"

walked back to 313 to take photo! hot can!!!!!!! when we sit inside 313 got security guard chase us off! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! so i ask him to take a photo of us first before we leave! it was pretty late then and there is not much human beings walking ard to take photo of us! so have to cherish every human beings!

somemore lepaking outside 313.. if not for OUR guai kia face, we would be labelled as ahlians and ahbengs night time slacking outside.. no sticks bet our fingers! *guai max*

home sweet home after tt! ohhhh! jiaqi describe me like this "take train w puaysee is take photo from the time u board the train till you alight!" omgggg trueee!!!
this time round, i found a new camwhore friend w 1 million expressions - kk!

as usual, this dear jiaqi accompanied me to bedok despite work the next day! she could have alighted at eunos! like i mentioned the other time in the other post, i didnt say but yeah, im really really really grateful! <3

my dear jiaqi! we are the cutiepie! :P

you have to pardon me and understand me.. im crazily in love w this new app of mine!
and while looking thru the different frame, jiaqi says "why all so bimbo?"
not very appropriate but it suits him!
scroll up to the first picture!
you will see jiaqi and me all squeezed tgt! <3
and now you see this picture.. haihs! no love feel at all!
but the cross hand thing really suits this frame! so FRIENDS! i like!
my soya milk!
w or w/o the luncheon meat, it cost 8.80..
they should hire me to price their product!
while waiting for jiaqi!
the lighting is nice right! everyone face like got angel ray shining on them..
except me.. why i got black and yellowish face?!?!?!?!
if you realise, he have to bend down to fit into the picture T___T
know him since primary school!
when im in primary school, i didnt expect this!
must aim nice nice to have the lighting!
bright ar!
if not, cannot see! jakie camouflage into the dark sky
a normal one!
we are the mega beauties!

result of sitting beside me kaikeng!
nice effect right! :D
dont siao siao!
we are the smurfs!
jiaqi <3<3<3<3 our standard routine!!
winks winks!
this woman deserved to be loved!
thinking of the things she did for me, i feel tt im failed as her friend.. like really fail those kind..
i feel really guilty when she says tt im hard to meet up and tt she calls me a busy woman! ):

sometimes it is really beyond my control girl! *excuses but truth*
there are a million things going on in my mind right now..
but idk how to express myself in words..
and i doubt no amount of words can express myself accurately! *sompa*

but jiaqi, you know i really love love love you right! <3
(i know u will see this)
sincerely hope you can feel my love from tt sentence!!
you can call me a pervert but i kinda like ppl tt does the puffer fish face..
fyi, i am not point middle finger! i twisting!
happy faces! sec 1 and sec 2 classmates!
in sec 3 and 4, im left w kaikeng and jakie!
but now, we have reunited. LOL!

hahaha! say HI HI HI! :D i love videos nowadays! i love how THAT moment is captured!

i said i wanted to do vlog.. i procrastinated till now.. well done tps.