Monday, April 23, 2012

Bellabox April

im holding a pink box in pink w a pink camera!

yesyesyes! im back w my bellabox post! ((:

there was a delay in this month's posting and plus my procrastination, this blog is finally churn out! *clapps* 
if you read my previous post "cook cook cooking", you will know tt i whip up a meal for my family. and while cooking, the postmen shouted "puaysee tan, bellabox". within a second, i strip off my apron off me and dash out! it was hard cos the fire is burning, i cant open the box yet! urgh! so i waited till im done, then i open the box! 

i love the feeling when i open the box to see a nicely packed pink package lying in it! (:

yeap there is a full sized nail polish this time round! im like "omg got nail polish leh". 2 seconds later.. "walao, why purple!?!?!?!"

left to right:
- China Glaze Colour Crackle Collection (fault line) [bth the names given..]
- my little keychain duffy! (my own ar, not included in bb)
- Dr Jart Pore-X Bubble Foam
- Enavose H2Osis Black Tea Quench Mask
- AHAVA Purifying Mud Mask
- Kinohimitsu Collangen Drink

i am not longer into whitening even tho i still look at things tt whiten myself.. now my "new into" is about pores! my pores on my nose are really big! ): i have no idea wad causes it! and when i put make up, i gt my primer to smooth the skin. i always feel it is clogging my pores even tho the salesgirl say it wont.. 

other than this new pore cleansing foam, i have been using the etude house duno wad la.. but is also for cleaning pore. 
idk if it really works, but at least i can go to bed and sleep peacefully.. a form of assurance! 

(see my duffy emoing at the back when he is not the main lead!)

this uses dead sea mud. i always have a mindset tt mud is dirty and fill with bacteria. 
but deadsea mud is different! i have no idea why! it sounds very enriching. :P
well, anything dirty or not delicious are always good for us. 
for example, vege (yucks) are always good for us while fried chicken (yummy!) is bad for us.

same logic!!!
(duffy continues to emo)

well, if green tea kills sperm (i learnt this in my sec sch bio), i guess black tea can replenish skin's moisture.
okay total crap..

i have no idea wad this is! i guess it is different from our other usual mask where we tear a sheet out of the pack and leave it on our face. (which may or may not fit our face shape)

you can draw heart shape, star star, cover ur entire face w the above!

and the best thing is that you wont have to lie down! cos it wont drop off ur face even if you walk around!

no more duffy! it's me! 
i just wake up and this explain my puffy eyes ):

duffy is back in action!

purple crackles. errrr.. i think is my wrong way of application. but it doesnt crack.. -.-

i still love my pink nails!

saw this on advertisement rigght!
it comes in a pair w bubble wrap! 
why so cute?!?!

collagen is women's best friend. no woman wants sagging skin right!
drink this!
it says to make ur skin smoother, firmer, flawless in 6 days. judging from it's price, this sound work to a certain extent.. smoother yes, firmer yes, but flawless is a bit over ar. hahah!

still, im happy w this drink and i want to try it!  


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