Thursday, April 19, 2012

cook cook cooking!

 before i start my post, let me say something. WHY BLOGGER CHANGE THE LAYOUT?! lao niang not tech savvy leh! it took me some time to understand and find the NEW POST button.. and it makes uploading pictures very difficult!!! i have to change to LARGE one by one.. ): it makes blogging NO FUN.. haih! i dun like changes. i really dun like changing.

looking at the title, you can safely assume tt i cook for my family! (:
i went grocery shopping myself and i found myself damn lost in it ): i went into shop&save and loiter around like a lost sheep.. idk whr to find the things on my to-buy-list!!!! i spent almost an hour looking for 8 items haih! but the friendly workers there helped me w the items! yay!

i want to buy shiitake mushroom! but one is those air-trapped packaging.. another is canned form.. idk which is fresher.. i even ask one aunty which is better.. fml i feel like an aunty! ): i stand infront of the refrigerator and stare at the meat for a long long time.. ): but, for the sake of my family, worth it!

menu for the day:
- egg, turkey bacon, potato salad
- risotto (highlight)
- cheesy tofu patty
- campbell sze chuan soup

the things i bought was so heavy i was hoping i meet any friend near my hse to help me w the things i got! but well, lady luck aint w me.. so i carried the entire thing back home on my own!

when i reach home, my hands are alrdy trembling from the heavy bags! T___T but i get my butt off the seat and started working! i really admire my grandma for doing this everyday.. im doing this for a day for a meal and im alrdy deadbeat!

while cooking, i kept asking for help.. peel potato for me (idk how to), open the can for me, pan fry for me, make it into shape for me, etc etc.. i got two helpers! my popo and mummy! yay! im i main chef for the day!

 doing grocery shopping alone.. ): so heavy! this is just part of it! haih!

i spent 40+ on one meal! power.. my popo got a shocked by me.. but cant blame me, i gt extra virgin olive oil, turket bacon, mozzarella cheese, etc wad.. hmmm..   

messy leh!

i bought those disposable hand glove so i wun have to touch those mushrooms and raw meat w my bare hands! till now, i have never touch raw meat, fish, seafood before except my home econs! (i have to peel a raw prawn.. wanna puke) 
and during home econs, i flood the basin when im cleaning it.. T___T i made my friend pump the sink for me.. :/

my most successful dish for the night!!! potato salad! it is niceeeee!!!!
it was really easy to do!
step 1: boil the potato and egg
step 2: pan fry the turkey bacon
step 3: dice the potato and egg 
step 4: slice the turkey bacon
step 5: pour everything into a bowl w the salad dressing, black pepper, salt and lemon juice
step 6: mix well!

i think this is the best my culinary skill can go ): dear husband, please know how to cook, otherwise we shall eat potato salad and maggie mee everyday okay?

this is the end product!
left to right, top to botton..
risotto! it was good when it is still hot, but it is yucky when it cooled down ):
cheesy tofu patty! it was nice! but i didnt help much except mixing the meat and tofu tgt.. my mum did the shaping and frying. i forget to add soya sauce to marinate the meat. so it was bland. but still nice cos the mozzarella cheese in it is like pizza, can pull one!
sze chuan soup! total failure! it taste damn bad!
egg, turkey bacon, potato salad! best! ((:

every tho there are may flaws out there, but considering i did almost everything for the first time, im a genius alrdy right??? ((((: